Today is the 2nd day of the 25th anniversary of Harmonic Convergence

It is also the 3rd day of the Storm wavespell… With the Electric Dragon we activate change through responding directly from our instinct to serve others by nurturing of any that are feeling isolated or alone, the caring that inspires transformation…

Today is supported by White Electric Mirror, guided by the Wind, in the Warrior wavespell… To serve the mission thru fearlessly communicating the truth as we see it reflected, in order to realign our emotional bodies, activating the energy needed to move into facing our fears…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Electric Monkey, guided by the Eagle, in the Moon wavespell… To bond with the flow by joyfully pushing the boundaries of the old guided by the vision of a purified world… To trust what we see is in need of purifying and to bring lightness to that…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow Spectral Sun, self guided, in the Dog wavespell… To liberate unconditional love by being wholly our selves, shining our light independently no matter what is going on with the beloveds around us… True freedom in family, connected to all as a nodal point of connectivity, liberating dependance into inter-deep-end-dance…

Blessed be dear hearts, and apologies if my words are a bit cryptic at times, it is the effort to re-imbue the old with the new and a little consideration is worth the effort to usher in a new time…. In lake’ch (I am another yourself)


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