Good Morning beloveds…
So today is the 12th day of the 13 day Storm cycle… With Crystal Dog after having released all surplus energy yesterday and also liberated any sense of motive, we are now available to co-operate with others… The Crystal tone represents the highest level of mind, the minds capacity to operate with another mind, open and available to discuss all that has been in our experiences… Just as tone 4 defines the actions that revealed themselves in tone 3, Tone 12 discusses with others the shared experiences of the past 11 days… And today we discuss and share from a compassionate mind that understands the connectivity of all things and allows spirit to communicate the messages that allow the change of heart to occur collectively…
Todays support is Red Crystal Moon, guided by the Dragon, in the Mirror wavespell… Responding to others, reflecting a very telepathic sensitivity to the thoughts held by them… In this way all thoughts are experienced as part of the collective mind, and are able to be purified as we take responsibility to cleanse the thoughts that flow through our minds… In this way the collective mind/planetary mind/noosphere (held between 2,000-12,000 miles above our planet) is cleansed…
Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Crystal Sun, guided by the Human, in the Moon wavespell… To co-operate with the wisdom of an illumined mind, to allow independant thought to influence our capacity to go with the flow… No strange backlogs that can occur when we are all trying to fit in, acknowledging that independant ideas can enhance the flow when the rocks in river appear… To influence our flow through shining the light on the actions of the ancient ones…
Todays hidden gift is Blue Lunar Monkey, guided by the Night, in the Dog wavespell… To anchor unconditional love through our capacity to trust our intuition to bring the abundance that allows us to focus on connecting with others… To push the boundaries of what is expected in order to move forward with the true abundance of joy that allows connectivity…
Blessed be dear hearts

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