Good Morning Planetary Kin…

So Kin 108… What a number is this, the 108 names of the divine within the Hindu way of seeing… Within the Law of Time, Jose always spoke of the Galactic Mind TransMission as GM108X… So let us look to this Kin and discover what it carries… So SelfExisting is the 4th tone and it pertains to the mental plane or mind dimension as does every 4th tone of the 13 tones… To define and measure the form of the original purpose as set down at Tone 1 of every 13 Day Cycle or Wavespell, in this case the Magnetic Serpent…

So here we get to define life force, initating the spark of raw instinct… So we define this by the Star guided by the Seed… The Star is pure harmony, beauty, creativity… So life force is defined as the minds capacity to focus on co-creating the highest potential of growing (Seed) beauty and harmony… Beautiful thought that sees the connectedness within the harmonic matrix or geometries of all things is what allows that spark of life force to keep growing…

This is very important for us to understand and is what is at the basis of these teachings… In order for our life force to become in enlivened and keep energising we must think positively – this is not a new age’ism’, it is a fact of life… Maintaining a positive and creative outlook allows life to grow…. The whole work of this harmonic matrix is found in the crux of todays energy…

3 cycles of 260 (20 x 13 the basis of this matrix) days ago was the Day Out of Time 2010 (July 25) and on that day we always celebrate the end of the 13 Moon Calendar before the beginning of the next on July 26 with the helical rising of Sirius… I was in Byron Bay and initiated a physical Tzolkin, a living 260 kin matrix, with 260 people as the day was SelfExisting Star and a friend Vision in Hawaii had the download it was important to do that on that day… So we did and it was an amazing experience, for as soon as we tackled the logistical difficulty of placing everyone and all were sounding Aum together, the frequency raised and the collective experience was a very heightened energy and personally I could literally see ‘stars’… It was an amazing experiment that ALL felt was truly potent in shifting the matrix to a higher dimensional plane…. We had around 10 minutes of this experience before it started to rain and we all retreated inside…

So I am sharing this that we may honour this day as a sparkly opportunity to realign our minds into a creative focus on what it is possible for us to co-create with forward thinking and release of limitation… Working with the life force that is always available to us…

Today is supported by Blue SelfExisting Monkey, guided by the Hand, in the Star wavespell… To define harmony as our capacity to trust our childlike knowing, that the innocent growing mind will always follow patterns built on logical harmony to find its way into the mysteries of the universe, into the Stars…

Today is challenged and strengthened by White SelfExisting Mirror, guided by the Wizard, in the Eagle wavespell… To define the heightened vision for all by how aligned are the patterns that we receive… The logical brain receiving patterns that reflect perfect order then spell out the next steps in creative vision…

Todays hidden gift is Red Planetary Skywalker, guided by the Dragon, in the wavespell of the Seed… To manifest the New Time by traveling and exploring what must be done, what are the response-abilities that are ours to share… What plaentary needs are ours to focus on elevating with others… As we manifest together the highest potential for beautiful life here on our divine planet…

This day is key for understanding your next step within the harmonic matrix of enlivening life…

Blessed Be…



108 = 9 x 12, 27 x 4, 36 x 3, 54 x 2;

4 x 27 (27 is the heart of 9 = 3 cubed x 4 = 108).  Note that Star is seal 8 and represents (Galactic Karmic) Venus.


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