Mornin Folks…

So today is the 4th day of the Monkey cycle… Today we work foundationly on the mental plane, defining magic as the capacity for our minds to be receptive and beckoning… Where the mind resides deeply in the hearts compassion, measuring its capacity to connect, each connection enchanting and encouraging trust in the process of  creation… Shamanic receptivity anchoring compassion deeply into the mind in order to connect to dimensions beyond the known for the process of creation…

We are supported by the raw instinctive mind and its capacity to respond instantly to spirits beckoning… This is the frequency of the Red SelfExisting Serpent

Todays strengthening challenge is Yellow SelfExisting Seed… To define birth as the capacity to focus the mind on potential illumination… ‘The point of light inside the mind of God’… To stay focused through the bEarth process on the highest illumination of co-creation with Source… Self as co-creator within the fire of birthing the New Earth…

Todays hidden gift is Blue Planetary Hand…To manifest an accomplished vision guided by an urge for physical space… To see far and receive visions that guide our hands to produce a stairway of healing which reflects any change needed to perfect the physical reality… The interplay of perfected order reflecting the divine design of the immediate reality…

So beloveds, I am aware that at times these blogs hold a cryptic reality as I attempt to read the codes, at times connected and at others searching and seeking for meanings within the codes I am reading… The resonance of these transmissions occurs when the search and the gold nugget of recognition meet! Divinely intoxicating this is to me, the carrot that holds the promise of this daily resonance… I thankyou for joining me on this journey and offer deep apologies for the many times this resonance is unobtainable by this very human human… And I rejoice in the possibility that these writings may produce illumination for any of my planetary kin out there in cyber and physical dimensions…

Blessed be, in deep gratitude for your presence here and all comments offered… If any others would like to attempt to share thru reading the codes, please feel free to do this in the comments, or let me know and I can create the space within the main blog for this to occur in our shared reality!


5 Responses

  1. Thank you again and again beautiful one. 🙂 You do such an amazing service for humanity, enjoy your playful wavespell!
    Oh and today is Bob Marleys Galactic Birthday! 😉 He certainly did enchant the mental concepts and encourage people to push the boundaries of what seemed possible in this reality. 🙂
    ” Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!”
    – Bob Marley

    Love you sister. xoxo

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