Good Morning Planetary Kin…

Today is the 6th day of the Night wavespell of abundance and brings us into balance through our connection with the beauty of nature… To be in the parks, the bush, the nature and connecting with those unseen realms of the faery folk who hide right behind the veils of where we may be looking… Casting pretty spells of beauty over all that we see, making the sparkle sparkle just that little bit more as we catch the sunlight on the tips of the dew drops falling from the flowers…

Today is supported by Blue Rhythmic Monkey… To find balance through pushing the boundaries of the worlds we are used to, to believe in the magic of the unseen faery realms… Playing as children, joyfully in the physical expression of this divine magic of creativity… Different characters appearing through the screen of this amazing stage called life, summoned to make star appearances, sharing the gentle wisdom that comes as we traverse many worlds…

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Rhythmic Mirror… To organise our physical realities for balance and equality through having a place for everything and everything in its place to create the temples that encourage our exploration deeper into the fundamental nature of portals that facilitate our expansion into other worlds…

Todays hidden gift is Red Galactic Skywalker… To express at the precise moment the messages that come to us through connecting with other worlds… Messages of awakening that open doors to other realms of beauty and magic…

So beloveds blessed be and enjoy the divine creativity of this day as we play in the fields of our dreams…


4 Responses

  1. Hi Vasumi – I love to read your beautiful words everyday Thank you so much. Yesterday was my galactic birthday kin 187 but you did not post anything. How come? I was looking forward to reading it for this auspicious time. Blessings to you. I will read an older version again I guess, Parminder

    1. Hi there, sorry about that… I was teaching a workshop all day and did not have the time to get on the computer… Anyways a year of empowerment… Empowered healing guided by your capacity to see into the depths and know what must be done… Supported by Yellow Overtone Human… Becoming empowered through making the choices that bring harmony to ones life… Independently choosing to create beauty with every action…
      Challenged by Overtone Earth… To listen for the synchronicities that bring the capacity to explore our connection to the cosmos… And your hidden gift will be White Solar Wizard… Realising surrender as the capacity to be receptive from the heart.. A brief yet something to go with… Happy bEarthing day… Bless

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