
Hello Planetary Kin…

Today we have 5 days to go till Dec 21, the date of the ‘Closing of the Cycle’… What does this mean? What will happen? … In answer to this is the above graphic put together by Jacob Wyatt/Red Rhythmic Dragon of the Law of Time Foundation www.lawoftime.org, the mother site of all things Dreamspell and 13 Moons…

And these questions are being asked by many and in truth no-one knows, yet what it feels like is that most of our physical realities may go on undisturbed, and yet there is and will be a subtle yet strong shift occurring in our consciousness… Some of humanity deals with this thru denial, as it may feel uncomfortable to be in the space of not knowing, and this may mask a fear of the worst… We can reverse this by focusing on love and harmony, as the veils are thinning and as we think and feel, so shall it be… For those welcoming a change, today is a great day for organising our lives and completing all those little jobs that we would rather not do as we draw closer to the ‘Closing of the Cycle’…

So today is a great day to organise our physical realities for balance as Red Rhythmic Dragon clears,  cleans and nurtures… Nurturing our physical bodies is also on the cards, as the mother inside of us all, responds to the moments calling…

Todays support is White Rhythmic Mirror… The feng shui of putting everything in its place, creating all spaces as temples to allow the utmost of awakening to occur… Throwing out what is not needed, ensuring space for  Great Spirit to be within us and in our environments…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Blue Rhythmic Monkey… To organise the physical reality in order to bridge worlds, the play that encourages the magic of connecting with others, in a wonderful easy,  non-attached,  playful and joyful way…

Todays hidden gift is Yellow Galactic Sun… Integrating this grand experiment with independent,  illumined mind that focusses towards our greatest potential awakening…

So beloveds a fairly grounding and balancing day as the energy builds in our internal worlds towards the Closing of the Cycle…

Blessed be dear ones, may we pray for a divine bEarthing of the New Earth and the New Time!!!


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