Temple of Insciprions, PalenqueDear Kin…

Some have asked why we keep sharing even tho it has been said the Mayan Calendar ‘has ended’… My experience of this, is that great cycles have completed and new ones begun and the harmonic matrix keeps weaving the divinity of radial time in its ever spirallic motion of evolving consciousness… The New Time brings us, a transition period now from the old to the new, from now until July 26th, by the coded downloads received through the Dreamspell and the dedication to following the codes via Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan and Stephanie South/Red Queen – see here…

Dec 21 Palenque Maya with Red QueenI encourage all to go to the Law of Time website to find deeper understanding of the Harmonic Matrix which has been honoured by the Lacondon and Maya, keepers of the Palenque Temples, as they invited the Red Queen/Stephanie South to Palenque for Dec 21… There are many tribes of Mayan people in the Maya lands which stretch from Southern Mexico through Guatemala to Costa Rica… The Dreamspell has hailed from Palenque and the Maya there acknowledge its workings and honour the work of Jose Arguelles and Stephanie South, see here…

Many people gathered at Palenque for Dec 21 to honour the alignment of Dec 21 and the ‘Closing of the Cycle’… As with all closing, new doors of opportunity are opened… And 2013 signifies this opening into the New Time and living more harmonically with all beings…

So today is a great day to talk and discuss the our capacity to live together, in co-operation, as we each shine our lights independently… Guided by our free will to choose to flow with the illumination of pure consciousness informing us as we work together to purify all thought-forms which darken the light that we are… (Thankyou Stephen)

Today is supported by Blue Crystal Storm… To co-operate by sharing the natural harmony that brings us to trust the energy that is born of constant change… To dedicate our minds to transform the spells we create with the words we use, looking for the codes and patterns which most reflect the harmony that is the base matrix of all of life… (Thankyou Martin)

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Crystal Dog… To co-operate by communicating from the heart, dedicating ourselves to co-creating the change that reveals itself, when we understand all is connected… The compassionate mind, connected to all that is, in this great web of spirit… To refine our heart connections and bring more energy to the transformations we are all experiencing… (Thankyou Avani)

Todays hidden gift is Red Lunar Dragon… The challenge to bring the light to Earth through taking responsibility for the awakening wherever we travel… The capacity to walk as an illumined being, exploring what it is to shine our lights in every nook and cranny we explore and expand the light into, even in what appears to be the darkest recesses of consciousness… (Thankyou Jack)

So beloveds, I leave you here and bless your day…


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