So good afternoon, planetary kin…

Well it seems disaster has struck, well not the life ending type, and nothing compared to many experiences, but definitely one that slows down my mission… As with all disasters, this one has a silver lining I am sure…

So two days ago my computer stopped working, I had a day of sniffles and sneezes and I think some of the moisture from my sneezes must have got on the electricity connection of my computer, and now alas it does not work… Today I am borrowing a friends computer to write this up…

This morning the light bulb went on as I awoke, not surprising on this Solar day of realisation, as spirit dropped the following revelation into my being, after a few days of not knowing how to deal with a lack of computer, my primary work tool, as funds have been in short supply… So the brainwave arrived to offer to you all out there, that really appreciate these daily offerings, to support the ongoing mission of sharing these messages… If you have valued this daily support,  support is now needed to keep these going… Before my computer broke, I was realising that my dear friend was getting older and older as folk would send me attachments that I could not open, due to the age of my computer, and so there was an inkling to save slowly for a new one… Well now that has gone by, and a new one is needed, also to prepare the new 13 Moon Journal which will be needed to be completed by the end of May, which generally takes me a couple of months on the computer to complete..

So anyways spirits message that came thru this morning was to call for support, if everyone offered $10 each, we would be back up and running in no time with style…

Also I am guided to offer a One Moon Webinair class on the ‘How To’ of ‘Living in the Harmonic Matrix’ – at $20 each two hour class of 4 classes over one moon/month, one class per week – an investment of $80, should you be drawn to this exchange… This could begin once I am up and running again, with a computer that has the technology to host this…

Another option is to subscribe to a Wavespell blog, which simply means a blog that is sent out before the beginning of each 13 day cycle, so that folk can see ahead as to what is coming and organise their lives accordingly… This is a great idea suggested to me by a wonderful friend in Christchurch, NZ, Kit Handrin, who is also a great graphics/website person, if you are interested… I do not have her website, but will post on a later post in gratitude for the idea… That Website Blog could be subscribed to for $5 per wavespell (13 day cycle)…

These options flew into my mind this morning on waking, and seeing we are on White Solar Dog day, guided by the Worldbridger, where all is realised as connected in the world wide web of consciousness, it seemed important to write this today from my heart to yours… Pulsed by spirit to reach out to our one compassionate heart, in surrender to encouraging the bonding that allows us to do this together, to share the revelations that occur as spirits messages through the codes of the New Time…

Another project that is occurring is the opportunity to take this work into the business world, with a dear brother I have met who works within those realms at a very practical and activated level and recognises the potential to bring these codes through in support of a new business paradigm… This has been a potential I have been guided by for the past 2 and a half years, since spirit mentioned it to me as I was flying in an airplane… And I have been on the look out for how this was to happen… So recently in a workshop I was teaching, on the harmonic matrix in Christchurch, this man came to learn and recognised what I know to be, that this is a wonderful expanded model for the new business and new time… We resonate strongly with our combined missions to be change agents within the business model and so together we are

offering a retreat in Bali in April, to which all are welcome to attend, please let me know if this calls to you, and I can send details… For this I must create the graphics and organise our proposal to share, and again need to be online to allow this to flow smoothly…… So with all these projects lined up, I call for your support and if you are able and willing and appreciate these offerings please consider supporting by donating your gifts or subscriptions to either the Webinair or the Wavespell Blogs via paypal to my email address –… Your gifts can assist all of this to manifest with ease and grace…

So back to this wonderful day… Todays support energy is Red Solar Moon, guided by the Serpent… To realise our response-abilities through allowing the pulse of  life to flow through us in the form of action, assisting as midwives in the birthing of pure consciousness… The consciousness that assists the purification needed to bEarth our collective creation of the New…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Yellow Solar Sun, guided by the Warrior… To choose to question all that does not pulse direct from the Source, in order that our free will be realised as the highest solar intelligence…

Todays hidden gift is Blue Overtone Monkey, guided by the Storm… To empower the Monkey (moi?!) and assist the transformation that leads to the accomplishment of healing for all beings…. The frequency of the Monkey is to trust in the magic, so the power of trusting the transformation that is catalysed through the magic of our actions, is how healing radiates from our centre…

It is very interesting that this is occurring right now, as this cycle/wavespell is my wavespell for this year, the wavespell of Spirit… And it is my year of empowerment through anchoring my capacity to open doors, to build the networks that receive spirits messages that channel through…

So beloveds there it is, feel free to support if it is your hearts calling, please do not feel obliged in any way, only if it is your joy and coming from your heart, as this is the frequency that will allow spirits messages to truly fly…

I send my greatest love and gratitude for your willingness to receive these messages over time and am grateful for this opportunity to continue to share this as my daily ritual in the times to come…

Blessed be



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