Ok, we come to our day of release, liberating the energy gathered over the past 10 days… The Spectral 11th tone always lands with the glyph or tribe that is the opposite or of the glyph or tribe that initiates a 13 day wavespell… So today in the Earth wavespell, we have Spectral Hand.

This cycle has been one of slowing down, learning to listen, looking to the past in order to see where we are now, in order to look to where we are headed… looking at the cycles of evolution as they spin through our lives, listening to synchronicities… Today the healing of ancestral pathways… the healing of the past, thru working with our hands to allow emotional release… This release allows freer movement, and today there can be a return to action, altho that action stems from a much deeper place in our beings, liberating the past, like a deep wellspring of energy freed up from deep within the Earth… Mother Gaia is happy to witness her children moving with her in deep connection and yet having the gift of bodies to represent her movement…

Today we are supported by Spectral Human… to free up the age old wisdom of spirit, a wisdom that flows deeply within the roots of all indigenous peoples, the wisdom that comes from aligning ones free will with the will of spirit, so that our actions are in alignment with our Great Mother Gaia, our choices are in alignment with her choices…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Spectral Earth, to still maintain our connection with the Earth as we allow the freedom of movement, and the challenge to not let ourselves by inhibited by fear of doing the ‘wrong’ thing, that may have repercussions as has appeared to happen for a long time in the past… To still step forward lightly on the Earth, knowing that we have learnt the lessons of the past and that evolution itself, demands that we take the steps…

Todays hidden gift is Electric Wizard, activating timeless choice in alignment with the harmonic matrix of truth… anchoring the wisdom deeply in action as we are honed by the sword of the pure reflection of a humane world…

So blessed ones, a deep and liberating day, occurring from our past willingness to listen to why we live in a world gone mad, and the liberation of our willingness to heal and move from a place of deeper inconnectivity with all of consciousness… Enjoy this freedom beloved hearts!!!


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