Ok folks the end of the Red Earth wavespell, Day 13, where Grandmother Turtle flows through the cycles of evolution, listening, navigating exploring the flow of evolution as it reveals itself through Synchroncity… Where we feel the pure presence of the Earth, sensitive open and receptive  to the stars and the greater cycles flowing through us…. Exploring the beauty of the cosmos, with all antennae flowing to explore pure presence, the Earth as a divine receptacle of the starry family in the interconnected web of cosmic consciousness…

So for us personally today, we may feel like this, open, sensitive and explorative… Flowing with the days synchronicities as we explore what it is to be listening and available for the purest flow in our worlds… Along with this sensitivity, we may at times find ourselves sporting armour, for with such sensitivity, protection may be needed in moments where that sensitivity is not honoured or respected…  A day of abiding in the fluid presence of the cosmos, with our dear Gaia at her most sensitive, a fluid embryo floating in the noospheric sac of pure evolving consciousness, flowing withinin the synchronic cycles, navigating the shores of ever-evolving connection to greater and greater cosmic cycles…

Predawn we experience the absolute void, pure love, pure connectivity, wherein all is received, the pure yoni of the universe, interconnected in the weave of all of life, the deep and dark void that includes all in its divine and loving web, anchoring the love, the e-merging…

From sunrise, a wonderful day to meditate and expand into the cosmos, navigating synchroicity to explore where we come from, where we have evolved from that we may climb from the roots to explore our connections to all of life in the universe… The awakening presence of the Earth as Mother, birthing new consciousness each day from her ability to respond to the starry realms and the connections that reveal her divine navitation through time…

This afternoon the presence of change at the deepest level, denied energy that has been held in the collective unconscious rises up to be witnessed… Strong energy bursts that assist with the transformation of our mother Gaia, into greater alignment, watch for planetary shifts and being  present for transformation that heals what has been  unconscious and denied…

This evening we attract wisdom, the wisdom of the ancestors, the wisdom garnered through the thousands of years of survival as a free will planet… It was through the Earths opening, that we arrived and were given the gift of Free Will, we have abused that gift in the process of understanding it, and today we have the divine opportunity to understand Free Will as the alignment of our own will with the will of the cosmos, of the Source itself. May all our choices arise from deep connection with our Mother Gaia and with all of cosmic consciousness… Choosing to flow with the evolution of that consciousness, to enjoy the gift of self reflection, as we sit upon the Earth and be present with her frequencies, choosing to witness and act from alignment with her synchronicities as they reveal our path to us…

Blessed be dear hearts, and enjoy this divine gift of a day…


5 Responses

  1. Crystal Star still here in Aloha country,Oahu. HawAii i aim to go to the North shore to Turtle beach and stop off at Lanikaii to see some turtles. Tomorrow on cosmic moon/muluc ,i wNt to find a Heau also to say some prayers to the ancestors xstayi ng aT wikiki beachside Hostel opposite beach xxx

  2. attracting the wisdom of the ancestors mmmmm
    thankyou vasumi %)
    wondering if this years journal is available ?

    1. Yo lovely… this years journal will be the day pages available for download from this website, once I upload them… it is todays job, hope to get it done… many are asking… bless

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