Today is the 7th day of the Night wavespell, of diving deeply into the unconscious in order to recover the abundance that can flow through our lives once we acknowledge the shadows… The abundance that is indeed everyones birthright, once we purify all that is not real… Today we become inspired by responding to the pure flow of as we feel it in our emotional bodies… To be as water flowing through all the cracks, cleansing and purifying as we go… To pray with devotion to spirit, assists the cleansing to come to us…

Predawn our dreams inspire the love and connectedness of family, as spirit touches our heart, breathing life into the connective threads that bonds our heart to the hearts of others that are our kin… Revealing to us who to connect to,  to be inspired to co-create the highest potential of love for the new time…

This morning we are inspired by a responsibility to explore and awaken a greater vision of this new time, to come into resonance with a willingness to play our part, and take on the tasks of nurturing and caring for all that cross our path…

This afternoon we are inspired and trusting of the change that must occur in order for the awakening to occur… Resonating with the bubbling up of joyous energy, as we trust the divine nature of change and transformation, as we witness the speed of shifts happening within our own feelings when we are inspired and guided by pure de-light…

This evening we are inspired by the wisdom that is co-created as we bridge worlds, receiving and resonating with many perspectives that create the radial whole… We make choices to inspire co-creation with varying different worlds, weaving webs based on ancient wisdom, that guides us to the new time… Influencing our highest co-creative potential, inspiring us forward into the new time…

So beloveds a wonderful day to flow and be sensitive to the changes that are occurring in and through us all, as our planet is bEarthed into the new time!!! Today is also a day when the dimensional doorways are open, so be open to being the conduit, receiving multidimensional frequencies from pure consciousness that reveals the way!


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