Today is the 11th day of the 13-day cycle of the Moon… A day of release, a day where all attempts to purify and flow build to a crescendo, a storm, where all energy may catalyse tremendous transformation… Where this day offers great change through the freedom of being amidst chaos in a state of purity…

Predawn a sense of illumination may enter our dreaming, the freedom of being shining lights amidst the mass of humanity… Independently free as a connected spark in the web of consciousness…

This morning the freedom of revolution calls us, to be a part of the transforming collective… Viva la revolution, as we become agents of change of all in our worlds that no longer aligns with the purity that we feel… A time to liberate by energising the purity…

This afternoon, that freedom is found through purifying and self-responsibility, as we look within to cleanse and release some more…

This evening we serve to activate the light thru sound, light language, communication between worlds in the nature of surrender… A good evening to sing, play music, write, communicate in service to Source…

Blessed be dear hearts, Enjoy!


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