Good morning folks…

So today is the 4th day of the 4th Moon, and the 4th day of the Star 13-day wave spell… So a good grounding day ought to be had by all in a most playful monkey way…

Today we define harmony as the capacity to ‘know’ joy, through studying the patterns of life, the sacred geometries that reveal the path to harmony… To play with the knowledge we carry and through comparing different patterns, deeper knowledge can reveal itself… It is to trust our own inner knowing and to continue to play with it, looking to find greater and greater patterns that super-impose with each other and reveal the greater knowledge of how energy works – PURE MAGIC!

Predawn a search for the most positive in our lives, reveals greater harmony, that encourages vitality and life force to grow… The mind measured by the harmony it carries, continually looking for and being open to greater possibilities, the highest potentials available in any given experience…

This morning the search for knowledge reveals our greatest potential… Knowledge guided by going within, to our in-tuition, to deep contemplation on what and where we are growing into, what is the search, what is it that motivates us to accomplish… This inner search for meaning can bring us to look into the deep unconscious, for the roots of our own search to become clearly defined, so that the growth into the greater potential becomes clear and directly focused on the highest potential of becoming… The codes reveal that the roots lay in the collective contract of our planet, anchored in Gaias crystal core,  ‘Abundance for all Beings’…

This afternoon we measure the truth, by our minds capacity to respond to the stimuli that arrives with uncanny timing, in answer to whatever we are reflecting on in the moment… Truth defined as a capacity to reflect our very essence of BEing, in turn bEarthing itself in the endless, ancient-future cycles which reveal the ‘Way’, through responding to  synchronicity…

This evening we perfect our relationships, by reflecting a deep nurturing love for those around us in physical presence… We are drawn to those that need nurturing and caring, as we seek to reflect love to those that are most in need… Here we manifest love and family and right relations in our lives…

So beloveds a divine day of weaving the harmonic web through playing with the patterns that uplift all into the harmonic matrix… Enjoy and play and push the boundaries of our knowledge that we may find the greater potency of harmonic knowledge that reveals all as connected in this ever-weaving, web of harmonic consciousness…

And a huge Happy bEarthday to Bunny HoopSTAR and Eliana!!!



2 Responses

  1. A prince in practice moans for the attention that he wants
    but most of this town won’t even dignify his ignorance with a response
    left to a crowded foster home by a 15 year old mom
    never been held in anyone’s arms when you’ve never been moved its really hard to move on
    A young saleswoman sets up shop when the sun sets
    she’ll make your wildest dreams come true at a price you wont forget
    The sadly married set up alibis no harm no regret
    hoping they meet an angel in bed that can wrestle the devil right out of their heads
    This city runs fast, no one has time to sit with themselves,no time to look into our pain
    or see the same despair in everyone else
    its here, its there, its everywhere tears soak each card the dealers dealt
    But time taught me how to see every second as heaven even though they’re perfectly disguised as hell
    And I refuse to let past bruises cover the light
    it ain’t all good, but its all good enough,
    so I know I’m alright
    agony is truth its our connection to the living I accept it as perfection and keep on existing in the now

    I can only build if I tear the walls down
    even if it breaks me I wont let it make me frown
    I’m falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground
    I’ll still smile
    I can only build if I tear the walls down
    even if it breaks me I wont let it make me frown
    I’m falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground
    I’ll still smile

    …ear to ear as if that’s all I’m here for
    despite the wars founded by the rich, funded by the poor
    kids barely 18 are dying so billionaires can make more
    elsewhere hungry mothers watch their babies starve to death in a beat up shack on a dirt floor
    The aged professor quotes “Freedom’s without a path”
    now he dresses like a widow and preaches “love is dead” in every class
    But curiosity killed the cat and taught
    the dog in him how to act
    and it burned his bridge to Jill so he tries to drown the guilt with a bottle of Jack
    Self proclaimed rebels say “We must oppose the system!”
    “You gotta take a stand!” “If your not against them your with them!”
    signs read “Support the troops bring em’ home!” “No more innocent victims!”
    but when a homeless veteran asks for spare change your to busy protesting to even listen
    And I’m no different I live in conflict and contradiction but it can be so beautiful
    when I don’t reject what lies within
    It’s beautiful the way agony connects us to the living
    I think of the world when I hurt, and keep on existing in the now

    I can only build if I tear the walls down
    even if it breaks me I wont let it make me frown
    I’m falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground
    I’ll still smile
    I can only build if I tear the walls down
    even if it breaks me I wont let it make me frown
    I’m falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground
    I’ll still smile.

    Michael Larsen, Eyedea – Smile

    1. Thankyou Michael… deep soul touching wonder you weave… thank you
      many aha’s, revelations and breaking downs of the minds desire to be righteous…
      humbly thank you

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