Good Morning beloveds

Today is the 4th day of the Dragon 13-day cycle / wavespell of birthing and initiating the new… Today works primarily on the mental plane and so today we get to define the form the birth will take… With the Seed the form is that of co-creation and focusing on the highest potential for sovereignty or enlightened mind… To be guided to think outside of the box with the illumined mind, in order to find solutions that are received direct from source… To focus on the highest potential that can come about when one is working with others and all are guided by higher mind and independent thought…

Predawn greater vision enters our dreaming, as the bigger picture reveals that we are to trust, as we are shown the choices that we may make… Choices that reveal the wisdom of the ancients, choices that reveal that we may focus our minds in meditation to see the greater picture and push the edges of our known realities for the sake of those that are to come…

This morning the illumined mind is present and meditation is key, as we are guided to quest-i-on and listen for our place in the greater scheme of things, synchronicity revealing our place in the r-evolutionary wheel… To listen and quest-i-on in order for illumination of the mind to define the next steps…

This afternoon our minds become receptive as we are guided by our hearts yearning, to bond, with a deep compassion guiding us to trust and receive, creating portals that allow timeless enchantment to anchor more joy and magic into our lives, encouraging us to push again the edges of known reality… Opening our minds to think with our hearts, defines the form that magic can take in our lives… Holy receptive and devoted to knowing other as self, magic is beckoned and joy is there in the timeless enchanting receptivity of great stillness of mind…

This evening we may find ourselves drawn outside to be with the beauty of nature, as she reveals to us her cycles within her smaller to greater creations… A wonderful evening where nature can bring a strong sense of vitality, as her patterns reveal yet again our place in the natural cycles of our beloved Pacha Mama… An evening of manifesting pure harmony and vital beauty as we honour the Earth we walk upon, guided by our instinct for survival, to allow her vitality to enter our bodies and manifest strong life force with a willingness to listen for her messages, guiding us forward…

So beloveds a wonderful light filled day where the intention is set for our next steps toward bEarthing the New…  Enjoy!

And if you would like further information on how to follow this harmonic order for yourself, you can learn up here, there are many pages to educate yourselves around how to follow the mechanics of this system… If you would like further clarity on how to enter the more intuitive sides of these wisdom teachings, feel free to book a session and we can dive deep into your own signature and where you sit in the wheel of r-evolution at this time, and you can get to feel this magic in action…

I am also sharing a PDF for the moon/month we are in here…  SelfExisting Moon

Blessed be!


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