Dear Kin…

Today we find spiritual power or Mana (Maori and Hawaiian language) through joining with others of influence, to seed wisdom, co-creating from a place where all are able to shine their lights independently, with no sense of need… Joining with others to give of ones light and focus together on the highest potentials available when all are sovereign…

This is supported by the power of creative vision, to share stories of the dark and underworlds, to reveal the pathways into the greatest light…

This morning enlightened wisdom empowers our walk, as we meet with those that influence our lives in a good way, radiating the light that ensures harmony in our worlds…

This afternoon we find the power to receive, as spirit channels messages that bond unconditional love, into our receptors… The deeper we sink into timeless enchantment, the more space we have to breathe and receive the love that weaves divine webs of devotion…

This evening we realise how the flow of evolution awakens us to the perfect timing of the path we are on, as we listen, for the synchronicities that appear, to connect our next step…

So beloveds, a beautiful and powerful day to co-create and gather with others, as we honour the wisdom of the ancestors and vow to focus on the growth of the greatest light on our planet, that we have ever seen…

Blessed be dear ones of enlightened heightened wisdom, growing into our full potential in this collective r-evolution…


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