Hi there beloveds… Well here I am fashionably late with this blog again as I travel from New Zealand en route to Bali, via the Byron Hinterland in Australia, meeting wonderful adventures with lovely family along the way…

So here we are the 4th day of the Seed wavespell already… The days literally fly by in a very slow and involving pace for me right now, each day is a week it feels…

This Seed cycles spells a wave of energy that encourages us to look to the highest potential of growth that is possible through focused co-creation… Just as a Seed is full of the potential of the forest, so this cycle puts it roots down deep in order to receive all the nourishment and support, with which to grow into its greatest flowering awareness… With an eye on the greatest light, it steadily grows up, never losing its focus on blossoming into the greatest and most shiny light it can become… And so is this cycle of 13 days that we have embarked upon… A time of focalising and co-creation of our greatest personal and collective awareness of becoming the brightest light we can become…

Sunday 23 March, Kin 144: Yellow Magnetic Seed – So the cycle begins with the wholly number 144 (12×12)… Apparently when 144,000 people hold a particular thought form, it then joins the collective mind as a creative awareness, beckoning reality through creation… Very interesting, in other words if you can get your message to be received by 144,000 people, it becomes an accepted reality… So on Sunday we began the 13-day cycle of the Seed, attracting the purpose of focusing on co-creating the highest potential we can see, bringing many together with a single focus and watch that potential grow in the collective awareness…

Monday 24 March, Kin 145: Red Lunar Serpent – On this day we faced the challenge to anchor this potential through being involved in the immediacy of survival, being connected and guided deeply by the Earth and her synchroncity and timing… Allowing our roots to anchor into the life force that lies deeply embedded in the Earth and allowing it to feed our sense of survival with the true vitality that only she can give us…

Tuesday 25 March, Kin 146: White Electric Worldbridger – Here we become activated with a willingness to serve the greatest potentials for flowering awareness by being open to bridge worlds, networking and connecting with beloveds and those we feel a bond or charge with… Feeling and creating connections that offer opportunities that ensure the activation of the highest potential awareness…

Wednesday 26 March, Kin 147: Blue SelfExisting Hand – Today we begin to define the potential we are aiming for, guided by our in-tuition, our deep unconscious reveals the way forward… As we seek for more knowledge and information needed to grow and flower with the intention to accomplish what has not yet been accomplished, yet is indeed possible with our growing awareness…

Thursday 27 March, Kin 148: Yellow Overtone Star – Today the greatest potential is empowered as we are guided to question ‘fears’ and our budding awareness gifts us the capacity to overcome them, the beauty of this flowering awareness radiates through us to empower ourselves and others… Today it is possible to hold a deep focus on the beauty of creativity, that radiates as a by-product of an unbending and fearless focus on the elegance of the harmonic nature of consciousness…

Friday 28 March, Kin 149: Red Rhythmic Moon – To organise our physical reality for balance through going with the flow, through cleansing and cleaning and allowing the water to purify all in the physical dimension… Today our bodies are hyper-sensitive and this sensitivity reveals the upward flow towards this highest potential awareness in a most clear, clean and pure fashion… Be in and of and blessing the water today as it purifies our bodies and worlds and invites the purest awareness to have a home within…

Saturday 29 March, Kin 150: White Resonant Dog – Inspired by love and loyalty to spirit, we become the pure channels of love and devotion to an ever growing awareness that is catapulted and excitated by pure hearts, reaching out to resonate as one with the song of all life… To allow the web of connection through communication, music, voice and dance to unite all to focus on co-creating the most divine realities possible…

Sunday 30 March, Kin 151: Blue Galactic Monkey – Today our highest potential co-creative awareness is  integrated as we learn to trust the creative vision, that we are guided by… To play with the creative mind and allow the visions to morph and change as we become aware of greater and more magical  visions of what is possible, when we set our creative minds to it…

Monday 31 March, Kin 152: Yellow Solar Human – This day guides us to pulse with the harmonic geometric matrices that carry all wisdom from throughout the ages… Today we realise the greatest influence, throughout all time, is that creative beauty that is wrapped in the deep and ancient future wisdom of the ancestors… We are pulsed with the free will desire to create beauty, encapturing this wisdom, to  influence the collective awareness, to realise the most elegant awareness of all energy connected throughout time through the harmonic matrix… Our intention to carry on the work of the ancients, as co-creators with the harmonic matrix, ensures the flowering of our ever-growing awareness…

Tuesday 1 April, Kin 153: Red Planetary Skywalker – So today is manifestation and perfecting day… Today we manifest awareness of our greatest potential by going out to explore, guided to respond to that which needs our attention and caring… Traveling to explore, expand and awaken our awareness by offering our nurturing presence, without holding back, allowing our-cell-ves to expand into the moment… Co-creating our greatest potential, by being open to birthing a new awakening conscious awareness with others…

Wednesday 2 April, Kin 154: White Spectral Wizard – Today we release all the energy built up over the past 10 days, as we focus in and down, anchoring a portal, with a timeless receptivity to the deep and ever-abiding NOW… With this deep anchoring, all extraneous energy is liberated to go where it needs to go to free up awareness. as this is the last thrust down that will fuel this growing and flowering awareness into its greatest potential of presence… Here we let go all that is not needed and focus in, allowing the freedom of participation in this moment, here now…

April, Kin 155: Blue Crystal Eagle – Today we are guided to the awareness of accomplishing a greater vision of common-unity, community… With our most creative mind we are guided by knowledge gathered this last 12 days, to share our most creative visions for healing community with each other… Through co-operative round-table sharing, we can gather the knowledge that will guide us to the most creative vision of what community can be, as we are guided to heal any part of the vision that inhibits a growing and blossoming awareness of our greatest potential flowering…

Friday 4 April, Kin 156 Yellow Cosmic Warrior – Flowering awareness descends as the presence of fearless illumination, a capacity to be courageously present, focused completely on the mission of accessing our deepest essential light… To question all that is not of the light, as we reach, with unwavering and intense focus, piercing fear-based illusion, to the centre of our most essential core, enduring the passageway into enlightened presence, pure awareness ever-growing and ever-flowering in this illuminated NOW!



Vasumi offers personal sessions with a focus on your quest-i-ons, with the potential to uncover your purpose, challenges, gifts and where you are in your personal evolution… She focuses on your original signature from your time of birth, looking back to see how that has evolved into this NOW, where you sit in your current 13-year cycle and where you are headed… Sessions are an hour to an hour and a half by Skype… If you happen to be in the same physical space, she is happy to have face to face sessions… At the moment she is in Byron Bay, Australia till Monday 31 March, and then may be in Perth for 4 days, en-route to Bali for the next couple of months… You can email her at lovevasumi@yahoo.com to enquire further… All sessions are recorded and sent to you via dropbox…


2 Responses


  2. Hey beauty… I so love how you get around and grace the most amazing events with your presence… new journals being prepared for this coming Solar Moon year beloved…. xxxxx

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