Good Morning Planetary Kin… and so another wave spell (13-day cycle) rolls by… This last cycle brought to awareness the rolling cycles of time and synchronicity, allowing space and time to listen for the purest flow in our lives…

“When planets are stationary their energies dominate – so with Pluto stationary right before the eclipse the images of the snake shedding it’s skin or the phoenix rising out of the ashes is strong.” – a little titbit that seems appropriate to add for this White Dog Wavespell from ‘Divine Harmony’.

The Dog Wavespell that begins today on Friday 18 April, encourages us to see all as connected, one vast web of consciousness, that essence of heart that is the glue that bonds all together as love… The feminine aspect of God, where we look into the blacks of anothers eyes and there meet the place where we are the same, all one, the great womb, the great darkness that is inclusive of all…

By this time, those that have been reading these blogs, will be getting the sense of the r-evolving cycles of consciousness, as they read similar codes being re-phrased, as they enter their next cycle of r-evolution… This is life as it is, ever evolving the twenty universal truths, through the 13 actions forming a 260-day harmonic matrix that spins and evolves to higher and more advanced levels of consciousness… At times I doubt whether this is true and perhaps we are d-evolving, and then I gather again my Monkey trust and reach to understand the connection of all, in the divine creation of the ebbs and flows of harmonic consciousness, and see that indeed it is so…

As I sit and write here in a Bali retreat I am watching ducks wading around a pond and marvel at these creations and the wonder that is Bali, the beauty of the lotus flowers, the ducks, the attention to detail of beauty that is inherent in every creation…

And so musing aside… and into the spin…

White Magnetic Dog, Friday 18 April – And so today we begin the new cycle, attracting from the ethers the substance that is Universal Love, love that has no preference, that accepts all in its oxytocin embrace…

Blue Lunar mOnkey, Saturday 19 April – Today our capacity to have our hearts open, is challenged as our boundaries are pushed, revealing where we may be limited in our giving and receiving… It is up to us to open and trust the abundance that is all around us, or to close and compress even more into the wounds… If we open we are rewarded by grateful joy for the bounty of love, grounding a deep trusting in the innocence and magic of life…

Yellow Electric Human, Sunday 20 April – Today we are given the choice to activate, with our free will by questioning emotional motivation… We can activate deep wisdom through questioning culture, to uncover what is true intelligent wisdom and what is simply monotony that has lost all semblance of meaning… We are sparked to serve the activation of intelligent culture, influenced by ancient wisdom that reveals fearless choice to create bonds that connect to weave webs of love… Calling on ancestral wisdom that is alive and well on our planet, to be tapped into through our own emotional intelligence… Elders that hold influence are honoured simply because they have lived many cycles, to learn from… Honouring ancestral wisdom, those that came before us, to reveal a path beyond fear where we get to serve the interconnectedness of all things…

Red SelfExisting Skywalker, Monday 21 April – Today we get to define the last couple of days action, as we seek to expand and explore the path to pure consciousness, untainted by the overlay of mechanistic man-made conditioning… A path that awakens the mind, opening to the pure flow of brilliant thought forms that reveal how all is connected…

White Overtone Wizard, Tuesday 22 April – So by now you are getting the feel for this 13-day cycle, Universal Love as the interconnectedness of all things… Today we are empowered by an enchanting receptivity, guided to communicate from a deeply timeless and anchored place… We are guided to communicate from within this deep receptivity, to the Spirit of all things…

Blue Rhythmic Eagle, Wednesday 23 April – Today we find balance as we seek space to overview… As the Eagle flys high in the sky, it gains perspective, on its solo voyage, receiving the bigger picture, to know its most potent next move and to be open for the opportunities that are coming… Here we gain balance as we step back to view the interconnectedness of all and allow creative ideas to arise…

Yellow Resonant Warrior, Thursday 24 April – Today we are inspired to create, to see the beauty and also to question it, as we dive deeper into the shadow in order to uncover the dark underbelly of fear… As we do this we come to be more inclusive, as we disrobe fear and allow the beauty that underlies it to resonate and inspire…

Red Galactic Earth, Friday 25 April – Today we find our listening ears, as we birth anew the patience that is required to fully include all… Synchronicity is revealed as we take our time to respond with the care and nurturing that is born of integrating what was before, to honour what is now, and allow the evolution of what is to come…

White Solar Mirror, Saturday 25 April – Today our deep receptivity allows the realisation of timeless, endless truth, reflecting the alignment of all that can bond and be included in love, as it cuts away all that has no capacity to surrender to unconditional love… The truth of unconditional love is here realised, as all is invited, yet only in a pure state of truth is able to bond, as all shadows are revealed to become the very pulse of unconditional love…

Blue Planetary Storm, Sunday 26 April – Today unconditional love is manifested, as change and transformation are the catalysts, to allow the bounty of energy that is housed within the body to bring healing… Guided to accomplish with greater vision, the inclusivity of unconditional love energises a willingness to change and transform amidst the chaos of a festive atmosphere that produces bonded connection and a knowing of family…
Yellow Spectral Sun, Monday 27 April – Today we find ourselves with the freedom to shine our lights brilliantly, amidst being deeply connected to soul family… We are liberated as we dissolve the need to be the same and celebrate the differences of each being as a shining independent light with a connected web of truly unconditional love…

Red Crystal Dragon, Tuesday 28 April – Today we expand into the birthing of new tribe/community/common-unity where all are included that are willing to take up the task of initiating a deeper level of awakening and response-ability within co-operation, the highest level of mind – the minds capacity to operate with other mind, without agenda…

White Cosmic Wind, Wednesday 29 April – In the final day of the cycle of Universal Love, we surrender into pure Spiritual presence… A presence that opens doorways of initiation, channeling open communication with many worlds, without preference… The presence of unconditional love that is all-inclusive, yet one can only enter when all sense of separation with spirit is dissolved… The pure bhakti experience, where to sing in a deep state of surrender, allows love to simply be…

So beloved ones, a divine cycle of bhakti devotion, leading to a deep surrender to receiving the truth of what it is to surrender wholly to spirits calling… Calling all into the shadow, in order to allow all resistance to dissolve into the divine love of oneness… A deep dive into the divine web of connectedness of all that is…



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