Hi there dear people…

Today we begin the 13-day cycle of the Wind… The cycle of Spirit that it is NOW possible to connect with since we have completed the past 13-day cycle of purification, and wasn’t that full on… Most people I know dealt with some form of drama in that cycle, and came out refreshed and renewed… So now we have the space to listen for Spirits call, to be open to receive and channel the energy that wants to emerge onto the planet through us as the conduits… To dance, to sing, to communicate, to write…

As I am at the end of creating a 13 Moon Journal for this year, I will just share 4 days at a time…

White Magnetic Wind, Kin 222, Monday 9 June – Today new frequencies are attracted as the Wind reveals the focus of the next 13 days of learning what it is to allow Spirit to communicate through us… With prayers of gratitude we can support Spirit and bid it welcome, through dance, sound, music, writing and prayer…

Blue Lunar Night, Kin 223, Tuesday 10 June – Today is the challenge for that Spirit to anchor into the physical presence through allowing space and time in our caves to dive deep into any collective unconscious resistance to receiving all that is offered to us every day… What are the illusory thought forms that resist your natural abundance… We live on an abundant planet and are provided for every day… How can we share our abundance to create an even deeper portal to allow all needs to be met? Allow your deep roots to tap into the crystal core of Pacha Mama and connect deeper than the fears to the Harmonic Matrix that is the creative foundation of all of life, and allow the abundance to fly…

Yellow Electric Seed, Kin 224, Wednesday 11 June – Today we are activated by those deep tap roots of yesterday to be as a Seed focused not on what is now, but on the potential to grow, rise and flower into our full potential, by co-creating with others and sharing Spirits ever-creative energy…

Red SelfExisting Serpent, Kin 225, Thursday 12 June – Here the limbic brain gets activated with its instinctive capacity to receive the new impulses of concepts activated by yesterdays movement of energy… What is it to channel? Here the mind is on fire, responding to the slightest impulse of Spirit, on the ready to birth new consciousness…

White Overtone Worldbridger, Kin 226, Friday 13 June – Today we begin to radiate the power of Spirit, what it is to surrender and be guided to anchor deeply into our feminine receptivity, becoming a timeless portal that is open to beaming opportunity that bridges worlds… Opening doors from one world to an ever more radiant and empowered other…

Blessed be dear hearts, I shall share again in a few days and I ask for prayers to assist the completion of creation of this years journal and send it to print in the next couple of days…



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