Hola divine beings of light, Kin, mi familia…

Today we begin the light reprieve of the Monkey Wavespell after the intensity of the Serpent and Mirror wavespells…

The Monkey is magical, playful, innocent and full of mischief… Let us see the hijinx we get up to in this cycle…


1 Monkey – play, magic, trust

2 Human – wisdom, free will, influence

3 Skywalker – expression, exploration, awakening

4 Wizard – receptivity, timeless, enchantment

5 Eagle – vision, far-seeing, creative mind

6 Warrior – fearless, intelligence, focus

7 Earth – listening, synchronicity, navigation

8 Mirror – endless order, truth, reflection

9 Storm – transformation, chaos, energy

10 Sun – enlightens, light, independence

11 Dragon – response-ability, nurturing, birthing

12 Wind – channel, communication, spirit

13 Night – intuition, dreaming, abundance


And so we begin our story…

1 There was once a child, magical in nature, trusting and open with such a divine inner-sense that allowed her to connect to realms unseen by others… Her imagination was strong and she allowed it to show her the ways into the elemental realms that can not be seen with the naked eye…

2 In this way she could connect with the deep wisdom of the plants through the beings and energies of each plant, and could understand the potential of the plants, through connecting with the allies and wisdom of each plant, communing and learning from them…

3 She was guided to listen deeply to the plants and then express their messages to others, as she felt more than heard the answers, as if each part of nature had a particular message that aided with the collective evolution of all…

4 She had a deep compassion for all the unseen beings that were around her and so could open and receive their sharings and their warnings…

5 She could see deep underneath into the collective unconscious realms and it was as if the unseen realms helped her and made her strong… She was able to see what was hidden and her vision led her into seeing where others held lack and fear…

6 And so she found balance in becoming fearless and asking quest-i-ons of the the physical worlds… Focussing strongly on maintaining balance through going on journeys that lead her to be strong in her body…

7 These journeys lead her to listen to the waters and their flow, inspired to heed the messages that were gurgled in their bubbling waters, she learnt how the cycles of time eddied and flowed as she pondered and resonated the evolution of all that was…

8 In this way she came to see the patterns that integrated all of life, and was able to communicate the truth as it was reflected in those patterns, cutting through outmoded concepts that no longer served whoever was before her….

9 And so she realised the magic of trusting the change that was guided by her very creative mind, as she envisioned the change, so would it occur… Chaos followed the cutting through of old concepts, and the energy that was freed up catalysed the change that she had seen…

10 And so guided by the beauty of nature, she manifested a strong sense of independence, as another flower holding its face to the Sun in order to shine its beauty and create more and more harmony on the planet… She became highly creative, with all her art revealing such deep and profound light that took folks breath away… She perfected the manifestation of magic in her art which glowed and revealed the light and beauty of her being and of the unseen worlds of nature…

11 She would find release from the creativity that drove her to push more and more boundaries, by looking to nurture and take care and take on the responsibility of the worlds around her… A wonderful polarity to her drive to create and play…

12 She would love nothing better than to sing with others, sharing and anchoring a deep devotion to spirit… She would often call others around to come and sing, dance and allow spirit to be deeply received, and in this so much magic would be shared with so many…

13 From this deep presence of spirit connection gifted her the capacity to intuitively access what was held in the unconscious and bring healing… Her dreams and intuition revealing any fear or lack as she would be guided to heal the spell of abundance for all beings, understanding this as the primary contract for our planet… Her magical presence brought healing to the collective resistance to this dreaming…

And so beloveds is the journey of Magic and the child that grew to be a highly intuitive woman in touch firstly with the elemental worlds and slowly with the collective unconscious, bringing healing with her deep in-tuition, that all may experience the abundance of this divine planet and their capacities to create with the elemental worlds, working with the spells that ensure more harmony, beauty, creativity and abundance…






4 Responses

  1. Love the story concept especially as we all create and live our own story. Can we have one of monkey girl and her monkey trickster ways or will I write it this wavespell and share.

  2. I like how the girl in the first photo graph is reminiscent of the world, at least in the tarot I know. The feet, and the hands holdind the ascending and descending spirals of the wreath! Co incidence?

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