Beloved Kin…

Welcome to the final wavespell or 13-day cycle of 20 cycles, making up 260 days, from Kin 1 to Kin 260 of the Mayan Tzolkin or Harmonic Matrix…

This is the cycle of creation, creating harmony and art… Elegantly co-creating with the creator…

1 MAGNETIC – attract; STAR – create, art, elegance

2 LUNAR – stabilise; MOON – flow, purify, universal water

3 ELECTRIC – activate; DOG – love, heart, loyalty

4 SELFEXISTING – define; MONKEY – trust play, magic

5 OVERTONE – empower; HUMAN – wisdom, free will, influence

6 RHYTHMIC – organise; SKYWALKER – explore, space, awaken

7 RESONANT – attune; WIZARD – receive, anchored, timeless

8 GALACTIC – integrate; EAGLE – vision, create, mind

9 SOLAR – realise; WARRIOR – question, intelligence, fearless

10 PLANETARY- manifest; EARTH – navigate, synchronicity, evolve

11 SPECTRAL – liberate; MIRROR – reflect, endless, order

12 CRYSTAL – co-operate; STORM – transform, catalyse, energy

13 COSMIC – presence; SUN – enlighten, light, universal fire


Welcome to the story of the Yellow Star…

1 There was once a girl so full of beauty, she attracted much attention… She seemed to unify the very essence of the perfection of creation, shining light on all who were around her…

2 Her challenge to ground herself with all this attention, was to flow, as the water, around all that were attracted to her… To flow, responding with such a level of sensitivity and nurturing, so as to not detract from the harmony that was created through her presence…

3 This activated such a deep sense of love, that all around her felt their hearts and felt connected, bonding a wonderful sense of family, weaving a web of harmony through the love and loyalty instilled…

4 As the people came together to connect with her, she witnessed ways of being revealing the patterns of life… These vast amounts of energy brought into play the pushing of the edge, transforming and creating new patterns, encouraged through heart connection, to be creative with life, leading to greater lives and healing for all…

5 The wisdom born of these experiences radiated out, and her influence was felt as empowering all into their own sense of sovereignty… The use of free will, to choose to shine the light on living codes, revealing the wisdom paths of the ancients…

6 This encouraged her to launch out to travel further afield, exploring what was out there in the different worlds of the Earth… Balance was found through awakening within the experiences of many different walks and worlds…

7 A deep receptivity to many different ways inspired our young woman to open doorways and to become a bridge, to open to the timeless opportunities to connect many she had met on her paths… She began to resonate a deep enchantment with the present moment, as she anchored connections beyond the physical and out into the etheric realms… Meeting worlds within worlds and becoming a messenger, delivering messages from beyond the veils…

8 These experiences were integrated, through her mind receiving many visions of the new… She was alive with many far-seeing creative ideas of how to transform the current reality from disharmony to harmony…

9 And so she realised that she had the choice to allow this creativity to pulse through her, questioning any fear that would hold her back from her role as co-creator… Her free will as her guide to being different, to stepping out from the crowd, fearlessly focusing on creation rather than destruction…

10 And so she listened for the messages of synchronicity and followed her instinct to find the perfect timing to act, that lead to the manifestation of all that she envisioned… Her body became her barometer as she became aware of the cycles of time that stretched backwards and forward ad infinitum and she was able to jump into timelines that promised perfect production, assisted by all of time and space…

11 As she reflected on the compression of time into space, she also came to sense right alignment… To feel when something was ‘right’ and when it wasn’t… Liberating the creator and sense of separate ‘I’ by falling in sync with the truth that reflected the endless order of timeless reality… Dimensions reflected throughout this present moment in pure alignment, releasing into absolute un-ending now… The never-ending creation of the harmonic matrix…

12 With this freedom she found she could push previously-held boundaries and play with a greater excess of energy than she had ever encountered… Her joy was infectious and with no agenda other than to play she encouraged many others to also enjoy this ride of life and push against the hard line of pre-conceived limitation…

13 And so the Light dawned and greater potentials of flowering came into presence… The more that were drawn to her, the more came to focus on becoming the greatest lights they could be, and so collective enlightening came to presence, as a cumulative focus on the flowering of all as pure light… A divine transcendance into the awareness of the harmonic matrix and collective enlightening came to be… Radiations of light co-creating with all else in the sacred ever-expanding web of consciousness…



2 Responses

    1. Hi Leisa… the more specific are your quest-i-ons the more specific the answers I can provide… so let me know what you are questing after…

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