Yellow Human Wavespell

With so much up for change in our lives over the past 13 days of the Storm, the Human incites us to choose wisely our paths… To quest-i0n which path brings the greatest light and the most potential to shine and influence in the world…

A shining example is Bernie Sanders who is running for the presidency of the US and calling a spade a spade, as 1000s turn out at his every meeting in each state he visits… Meanwhile the cat with the silver spoon stands behind the locked doors of the elite paying the media to slander Bernie and build her up… A sham we all see thru as Bernie ignites our hopes and our passions for a more just world, where respect is given to all of life… Ah perhaps the world is changing after all!!!

Bernie did his job well in the past Storm cycle, and incited the willingness to hope for change again… We are pulling our heads out of the sand and Bernie is the truth-sayer with the courage to stick it up the 1%… Thankyou dear brother…

And now let us see what the Human Wavespell brings us, as wisdom and free will and the capacity to influence wield their ways… It is indeed exciting times, and the Human cycle is usually where we ground the change through making wise choices, so let us heed that in our own lives and watch how it plays out on the planetary playing field…

And so to the most influential way to share this divine wisdom of the harmonic matrix, through story… The 13 steps below point to the unfolding of how this occurs, so enjoy the journey, I know I will…

1 Purpose – Free Will, Wisdom, Influence

2 Stabilise – Explore, Awaken, Expand

3 Activate – Receptivity, Enchant, Timelessness

4 Define – Vision, Create, Mind

5 Empower – Intelligence, Fearlessness, Quest-i-on

6 Balance – Evolve, Synchronicity, Navigate

7 Inspire – Reflect, Order, Endlessness

8 Integrate – Self-Generate, Catalyse, Energy

9 Realise – Enlighten, Shine, Universal Fire, Source

10 Manifest – Birth, Response-Ability, Nurture

11 Liberate – Spirit, Communicate, Breath, Channel

12 Co-operate – Dream, In-Tuition, Abundance

13 Presence – Target, Potential, Flowering, Awareness

1 There was once a child with a very strong will… There sat a deep sense of purpose in her bones, a sense of a strong destiny, wherein she was to influence many people… She felt the need to truly comprehend many things, so she listened deeply to her elders and felt the presence of the most wise ancestors from her bloodlines, guiding her on her path…

2 She loved to explore different cultures, to hear stories of how people lived and survived… She was specially interested in the elders, those that were still full of life force. She was especially drawn to those that did not seem to embody ‘old’, but were lively and spirited into their later years, as she tapped into her own wellspring of vitality…

3 The more receptive she became the more activated she became, as the spark of life force ignited a desire to receive… She became timeless, enchanted by a desire to reflect the patterns that revealed the greatest vitality and pure life… She watched herself from that still point, reflecting the truth of the moment, and the spark of longevity was ignited… So she came to feel that direct presence in the moment bonded an agility in people, activating strong and energised lives… She saw these choices ensuring the survival of the fittest, promising long life…

4 Creative visions began to form for her, of the lives that were possible to live, as she saw through the illusions and confines of the present mainstream thinking… She chose to trust those visions,  allowing her mind to create the most magical scenarios, with opportunities for the highest flowering for all beings… She began to understand what it was to choose ones creations, or to just toe the party line… She saw that peoples choices created their lives, and ensured that she would co-create the most divine life she could imagine for herself, while offering these same possibilities to all others… She began to understand the opportunities gifted through living a fully embodied and vital life in the present moment…

5 She came to fearlessly questioning all things as they were, choosing to follow a powerful guidance that revealed how beautiful creation could be… Those around her that were holding to limitation would get uncomfortable with her incessant prodding, yet she was not deterred, as her dreams revealed the power of her quest-i-ons… A powerful promise of a new time, where all could survive abundantly on this abundant planet… She deeply questioned greed and the limitation it brought on all levels, to all peoples…

6 Answers to her questions came through walking the Earth, listening to the subtle messages that pacha mama brought to her, clues and codes revealing synchronicities, coming thick and strong… She gained an awareness of Earths evolution, as she watched the flowers and the plants grow, bringing an awareness of her own bodies growth… Through listening she became acutely aware of the changes in the environment, and listened intently for the messages of Spirit blowing in the wind, with the promise of a growing potential of harmony to be present, for all beings…Her own body became her barometer, as she listened deeply and intently for its messages of cycles evolving…

7 She became inspired as she felt her hearts resonance, with those open and willing to reflect the bare truth of each moment… Reflecting truly the kinship occurring when the unreal drops away, the heart free to connect and care for others… The true heart-opening of a sense of family, inspiring the dreaming of new culture, unbound by age-old customs which no longer served the resonant truth of the moments reality…

8 Her dreams were guiding her towards change that was needed… Her mind became highly active as she connected telepathically with kin whose hearts she could feel, generating deeply integrated energy catalysing ideas towards real change… Thinking outside the box of the major paradigm became more and more illuminating…  Diving deep to uncover old shared thought forms, held captive in the collective unconscious, freed them up, and she became a catalyst to those around her, allowing all their minds to become illuminated with thoughts of sovereign independence… So she continued her practise of diving deep into inherited conditioning, transforming all into pure energy… Allowing the freedom to be a pure conduit for Spirits messages, expressed through physical form, unbound and free – Being the Divine Dance of Life!

9 She continued to question old structures, that did not encourage the light, uprooting them, helping her to realise her Sovereignty… Light pulsed through her, opening her life ever more strongly, she focused that energy towards birthing the flow of the new and pure… Her intelligence guided her to the Sun, the greatest light and it began to dawn on her, that all cultures that flourished were dedicated to Sun worship… She began to realise the patterns of the ages as she looked back through time, realising the Sun as the Source of all Light… Seeing that the illumination of that light in her own being, gifted her with a strong will, that had been guiding her forward her whole life, pulsing her strongly towards fearlessly shining her own sovereign light… With this revelation she set the intention to fearlessly allow the light to birth the new through her, as co-creator with the higher will of the creator… She as co-creator connected to Source consciousness, enlightening and radiant…

10 With this revelation, she perfected herself through nurturing and purify her own body, as the vessel carrying the light… As she walked amongst the people, she responded in a deep caring, nurturing way, feeling a responsibility to share what she had learnt, the importance of purifying our bodies, that we may embody more light, and align our will with the will of the creator… By helping others to listen to their needs and purify their bodies, she became a mama to all, and people looked up to her with respect, as she shared her influence for the betterment of the people… She became a great leader of the people, as her deep caring was felt by all, as her first consideration was the caring and nurturing of the people… With this came the understanding of water as the food of life, and the cleansing of the waters became important… She came to emulate the waters, becoming fluid in her movements, able to respond in the moment to others needs… Sharing and caring… She influenced others, as her choices reflected caring, she walked her own way, yet with a deep sense of assisting others to also find their own way, to make their own choices to align with their own sovereign minds… Encouraging them to hop off the treadmill, to question evolutions timing in their own lives… And as the people recognised her fluid and caring nature and the great light she shined, so they were encouraged to question and illuminate…

11 She found liberation of the load she was carrying through aligning her will with the higher will, becoming Spirits messenger… Delivering messages direct from Spirits beckoning… Here came the freedom of choosing to align her own free will with the will of Spirit… As the messenger, she became a catalyst for change at very deep levels of the collective unconscious, Spirits words hitting the mark, fair and square every time, as she found release through serving the spiralling evolution…

12 She was shown far-reaching visions of abundance that lay dormant in the collective mind… By sharing those visions, she witnessed the unlocking of limitation, and the activation of creative mind… The more  she shared, the more people were able to access the greater vision of the planets hidden contract of ‘Abundance for all beings’… All were in wonder at the illusion of lack they had been living in, fuelled by greed and a sense of lack… The more the people questioned, the more the collective mind began to see and envision the abundance that lay underneath all fear… The people became fearlessly creative and began to co-operate, envisioning planetary community living, in the abundance created through sharing and caring…

13 And so the New Time of harmony and peace became more present, as the people saw themselves as co-creators with each other, consciousness and nature… So the seeds of the new culture based on listening to and honouring the Earths evolution, came to be, the old paradigm of greed and control fading away into obscurity… Thanks to our strong willed girl, who chose to question the culture of lack!!!


This story is dedicated to all those Yellow Humans out there, or those born in this wonderful Yellow Human wavespell (13 day cycle)… indeed it is dedicated to all beings, as we consider our choices and honour what came before us, in order to know how to step forward into the flowering we are aiming for…

It is always interesting to witness how the cycles do us… It is my intention in writing these stories that we recognise the currents as they flow through us, gradually allowing more and more of the fearless celebration of Times natural and graceful dance, to do us…

For any that are interested to follow the days through their own 13 Moon Journal, the New Year (July 26) approaches and the books are going to print on Monday, and ought to be ready to send within a couple of weeks… If you would like to order, to support the printing costs, you may do so here…

Also for any that are interested in my mentoring program, these are proving to be very amazing for me, as I guide people on a journey through their own interior worlds, to polish the jewels that they are… At the same time they are learning the many different systems I have worked with through my life, as I passionately pass these gems on, so that in the future you may find your own way through the myriad codes that are shared… To find out more about that go here…

Also if any would like just a one-off session to ‘Find your Soul Essence’ and clarify your path, the cycle you are in and the cycle you are born into, to find purpose, or any other quest-i-ons you may have to crystallise your path… check this page …

And to check how others comments of receiving this work, check here…

And finally for all those that have expressed interest in the Webinar, it is in the making and I will keep you in the loop of when it will be ready to share… If this interests you or to check for updates on timing, check here …



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