7-19 September, 2015

Welcome to the 13-day cycle that explores evolution, ‘time as an art-form’ and synchronicity… We will navigate this through focusing on the story of Great Earth Mother as the archetype that evolves through time and synchronicity… Like the great Turtle, slow, listening for the synchronicities that in-form evolution…

1 Purpose – Earth Time, Navigation, Listening, Synchronicity

2 Anchor – Mirror Reflect, Endless Order, Alignment

3 Activate – Storm Catalyse, Transform, Self-generating Energy

4 Define – Sun Enlighten, Light, Universal Fire, Independence

5 Empower – Dragon Birth, Being, Responsibility

6 Balance – Wind Channel, Breath, Communicate

7 Inspire – Night Abundance, Dream, Intuition

8 Integrate – Seed Focus, Flowering, Intention, Awareness

9 Realise – Serpent Instinct, Survival, Life Force

10 Manifest – Worldbridger Death, Surrender, Network

11 Release – Hand Accomplish, Healing, Knowledge

12 Cooperate – Star Harmony, Art, Creation

13 Presence – Moon Purify, Flow, Universal Water


Here we enter into the story of the Earth herself…

Earth journey1 This ancient being that spirals around our Sun on its r-evolutionary path, Great Grandmother Earth, ever listening to its galactic family and being in-formed by cycles and currents connecting throughout the cosmos… This green ball of life with its own life evolving from the smallest bacteria to the greatest mammals and seemingly solid mountains on an ever-evolving cycle of creation… Receiving in-formation by keeping an ear open, listening to the music of the spheres…

2 In order to anchor this evolving in-formation our planets physical heart is guided to make right relations… Where its physical reality is in-formed by geometric structures that follow specific patterns of perfect order, woven through all dimensional planes, anchoring the music of the spheres into its physical form-ation…

sn-magmaH3 Deep in the interior heart of our Great Earth Mother is cast the spell that guides her r-evolution, the spell of ‘abundance for all beings’, which is the transformative code forever catalysing and evolving change within the movement of the cosmic energy incased in her divine physical form… The energy-in-motion that keeps answering to that contract held in her hearts core…

4 Her planetary mind, or noosphere, is questioning all as it uncovers its own solar intelligence, where the light radiates from the neo-cortex or her divine being, shining its light on sovereignty for all her children, all that live in her divine folds… The intelligence of questioning fear, recognising answers within the radiant light, revealed through fearlessness as a guide, to our Great Earth Mothers planetary quest…

5 Guided by the purity and brilliance of the consciousness that lay in the Universal Waters of the Cosmos, beyond any disharmonic overlays (introduced by those who seek domination of our Earth Mothers form), she is empowered to birth the new, radiating from deep within our Earth Mothers womb in response to the nurturing purity of the music of the spheres…

6 The breath of life brings balance and oxygen, just as the first breath channelled through our Great Earth Mothers body, allowing Great Spirit to infuse, into her great physical, spherical presence… Her breathing in and out as the oxygen through the trees and the weather, brings movement as Spirit celebrates the existence of our Great Earth Mothers divine form… She as a vehicle for Spirit communication, welcome from all dimensions, the Wind finds the nooks and crannies to breath life into all, bringing equal opportunity for all to come into thriving balance… The dance of the music of the spheres embodied in our Great Earth Mothers form!

7 Here our Great Earth Mother feels the vision in-formed by the music of the spheres, received into her deep dreaming, inspiring creation that guides her in-tuition, as all of life attunes to the resonance of her dreaming, that allows abundance to channel through all… All is inspired as channels of creation, guided by the creative visions that allow the space to feel the dream…

8 Evolution is integrated as the Earth Mother and all inhabitants are guided by the harmonic patterns revealed in the creative planetary mind as it listens to the music of the spheres, ensuring the growth of conscious awareness… The planetary mind is Seeded with the highest potential flowering for all of life, as it focusses on modelling creation… With roots in the dreaming of abundance for all beings, the planetary mind naturally flowers, integrated and whole, harmonising with the growth potential inherent in the beauty and creative art form which is its potential flowering….

9 Synchronicity is now realised as life force pulses toward its highest potential of flowering, birthing the instinctual intention to survive… Life force pulsing through the cosmic filaments inside our Great Earth Mothers body, riding spiralic currents which initiate and birth connection out into the cosmos, birthing life, energising the whole of consciousness, earning her place with her own unique tune, enhancing the music of the spheres… The infusive pulse of our Great Earth Mothers spiralic kundalini life force responding with the deep intention to ignite pure life to be birthed and pulsed through the cosmic veins, infused with the life force of the growing awareness of the music of the spheres… Responding to the instinctive intensity of life living itself with a deep responsibility to birth the new again and again and again in ever-evolving cycles of synchronicity that pulse through and out beyond our Great Earth Mother…

10 And so our Earth Mother became a perfected portal, with the opportunity for many worlds to connect and come into physical manifestation… Anchoring and receiving opportunities for weaving webs of connection that ensured a combined evolution of all worlds and species… Weaving the web of worlds within worlds within worlds, each one a doorway to the next opportunity for perfected manifestation, the one benefitting the whole… Where deep receptive surrender produces the synchronicity that shows the path to ongoing evolution… The networks that are woven in Time through deep surrender to unlimited opportunity to receive and evolve together…

11 All opportunities received allow a deep sense of liberation, a sense of healing coming through the many accomplishments possible… Many worlds coming together, allowing new knowledge that allows the release in the nervous system of our Great Mother Earth, bringing the release of all that does not serve the ongoing evolution… This deep sense of knowing reveals the next stages of evolution, that all accomplishment that brings healing, feels good and brings liberation and freedom…

12 Healing that liberates, releases attachment to that which no longer assists evolution… And so with no agenda, other than to co-operate with the highest light, dedicated to co-creating beauty guided by  universal solar mind, understanding of the patterns that evolve into collective sovereignty are revealed… Open to the music of the spheres co-operating through us, where collective mind comprehends the sacred geometry that is curative, creative and artful in its collective beauty and harmony…

13 And so Great Earth Mother comes into full presence, guided to explore the cosmos… Hyper sensitive to the flow of pure consciousness… Brilliant, ever flowing in its ongoing expression and exploration of evolution… Listening deeply for pure flow igniting her pure vehicle, as the music of the spheres dances on and on and on…

And so beloveds the divine journey of our Great Earth Mother, navigating the flow of evolution throughout Time… Attuned to the harmonic order of the patterns of synchronicity…

And if you would like to comprehend the codes that reveal your personal evolution through Time… feel free to book a session… With this sharing I am offering two 1-hour sessions to be received over a year for $130… This offer must be booked and paid, before the end of this wavespell…


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