Good Morning beautiful Kin and let us welcome in the Sun to shine its glory to the Seeds of the New Time… That we be guided to hold the presence of the potential of the  New Time today… Holding the presence of the Seed of our own illumination today, harmonised by the beauty of our capacity to transcend life and know ourselves as pure seeds of Universal Fire… pure light… Enlightened life… Cosmic Suns shining brightly…

A beautiful thing about Cosmic Sun is that when you add this signature to any other signature it becomes fully that signature without losing its light, its in-deep-end-dance… It just shines on that other energy, holy in presence… It is the pure embodiment of 13 (Cosmic), 20 (Sun) harmonic matrix… within itself it is the all… The quentessential Time is Art holding the presence of all in its seeding of the light… Shining its light as the pure presence of the potential of all that is before it, enduring all that holds the illusion of lack, to keep shining on the potential held within every seed…

Blue Cosmic Storm is the support energy to Cosmic Sun… Blue Cosmic Storm is guided by the Night, in the wavespell of the Hand… To transcend healing is to hold the presence of the deepest connection to the iron crystal core of our planet and allow our-cellves to be the energy generators guided by the dreaming of abundance for all beings, that is stored in Mother Gaias core… Transforming the dreaming as we hold presence as catalysts of change, able to blow with the winds of the ever evolving dreaming of our Mother…

Todays challenge that strengthens is White Cosmic Dog, guided by the Wizard, in the wavespell of the Mirror… the quentessential void, the darkness that absorbs all in its compassionate embrace… The love that receives from every multidimensional corner of the universe, all coming home to the great darkness of the Mothers womb… the pure presence of oneness transcending all right and wrong, the pure presence of love and truth of oneness…

Todays hidden gift is Red Magnetic Dragon… The New Birth, the primal birthing of being, that comes from the union of our great father the Sun, the Light, and our great mother the Dog, the Love… Initiating the new, primal response to ushering in the New Time, with the nurturing caring ability of feminine creation matrix….

O YUM holy father, O YUM holy mother, HUNAB KU giver of life and measure

E VA MAYA for the great holy teachings, E MA HO we give thanks!!!

One Response

  1. excuse my repeat….beauty emanates….evoking sweet memories of re-membering….note….Yellow Cosmic Sun is Guided by yellow Cosmic Seed….4:7::7:13…..kin #260 guided by the enduring , trancending presence of targeting flowering and awareness….guided by the yellow cosmic star….the last day of the yellow castle before we enter into the green castle on the magnetic moon (209) culminated by the 13 sun (260)….mahalo for gifting this beautiful blog, blessings and in lak’ech….kin 4 guided by kin 160….4 sun….<3

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