Good Morning beautiful Kin…

Kin 19 is a foundational energy, the energy of pure support, for those who understand the oracle and the support energy, whose formula is –

Signature kin + ? = 19

So bear this in mind as you witness this energy today…

So this morning we look to what is to be reorganised so that the most energy can be generated… A day of physical storminess and all the energy it brings…  Any energy that has been stuck previously, today has the opportunity to transmute into pure energy as we organise our day for balance and equality… To balance the energy of receptivity to the multidimensional realms that the Wizard is receiving, we allow this energy to come in and be readjusted into the physical dimension… It is received by the Sun and the Water, with the breath feeding purified oxygen into the brain… read on dear hearts…

The support for today is Yellow Rhythmic Sun, self guided in the wavespell of the Eagle… To find balance in our day through our physical independance… To organise our day to be self supportive, so that any storms that are generated bring a stronger light to us, as we bear witness to the energy being transformed, without the need to personalise it… To make the most of receiving the rays of light, the vitamin D from the Sun, that allows a sunny disposition to bring balance to our cells… Allowing the light to feed us and bring equality…

Todays challenge that strengthens is Red Rhythmic Moon, self guided, in the wavespell of the Seed… To go with the flow of the day, whether the Storm today brings rain or shine, to allow the flow and purification of the storm to allow us to keep focussed on the brightest potentials… Cleansing and purifying the physical reality, the Earth and our bodies, strengthens us today…

The hidden gift today is White Galactic Wind, guided by the Worldbridger, in the wavespell of the Eagle… Integrating our capacity to see the greater picture through deeply surrendering our minds to receive Spirits messages… To integrate our capacity to have a creative mind that is able to envision new solutions by surrendering all attachment to concepts previously held and allowing more oxygen to encompass the brain, allowing for stimulation of our mind as a pure channel from spirit and hence a doorway to new ways of thinking and new thought forms…

In my dreams this morning I was given the understanding that we are programmed to find definitive answers to solutions, ‘the’ answer, and then lead to believe that this is ‘the’ truth… Whereas in reality, there is no definitive answers, no answers that are static, only answers that lead to the next most intelligent quest’i’on that evolves consciousness forward…

So beloveds enjoy the constant change of this day and with open minds allow Spirit to dance its dance through our minds, expressing the latest and greatest understandings of the moment, while learning to allow these truths to express themselves without attachment… Ah the beauty of anchoring the new and timeless realities…

blessed be dear hearts…




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