Kin 126: White Solar Worldbridger (Tuesday 18 June)

Ah to let go and let god… The absolute bliss and ecstasy that beckons us from beyond the veils… To  follow the breath in and out to source and the cosmos… This is what today, the 9th day of the Mirror wavespell  promises, as it abides in the central column of the Tzolkin, the place where […]

Kin 126: White Solar Worldbridger ‘Realising Surrender’

Ah to let go and let god… The absolute bliss and ecstasy that beckons us from beyond the veils… Ah to follow the breath in and out to source and the cosmos… This is what today, the Solar Worldbridger, promises, as it abides in the central column of the Tzolkin, the place where balance arrives […]

Kin 230: White Solar Dog (guided by the Worldbridger) / Planetary 25 / Apr 28

Good Morning Beloved Kin… Today is the 9th day of the Wind wavespell… Today we realise unconditional love as our capacity to surrender fully to spirit and allow the force of the heart to pulse through us… Todays support energy is Red Solar Moon, guided by the Serpent, in the wavespell of the Dragon… To […]

Kin 230: White Solar Dog (guided by the Worldbridger)

The quintessential day of Devotion… Surrendered to the unconditional love  of Spirit… Realising Spirit as pure surrender to the Heart, to pure love, to the great void from which all is birthed and to which all returns and is held in in every moment of our lives… The Bhakti path… The love of spirit and […]

Weaving the Web of LOVE – WHITE DOG WAVESPELL, Kin 170-182

Hi there beautiful people and welcome to the cycle of Univsersal LOVE… This is about you as Love, not so much looking for personal love in other, but the Love that we are deep inside… Like Grandmother Spider weaving the threads of Love or the web of Kin, across the universe… Who we are when we […]


The White Wind is the pure channel, all that comes through one as a hollow bamboo… Here there is no space to claim anything as ‘mine’ but to honour all as ‘thine’… Welcome to this cycle where we get to experience this first hand, and explore what that means, as Spirit channels through us the […]


Hi there beautiful people and welcome to the cycle of Univsersal LOVE… This is about you as Love, not so much looking for personal love in other, but the Love that we are deep inside… Like Grandmother Spider weaving the web of Kin or Love across the universe… All as love and who we are when […]

White Worldbridger Wavespell, Kin 66-78

HAPPY EQUINOX!! Let us Let go. Let god/dess. Hot on the Skywalker trail Gifted with awakening from our deep slumber Exploring the further reaches of space Now it is Time to open, the Worldbridger, Lord of Death beckons us to let go the old unnecessary to surrender to what arrives anew from other worlds… To […]