The White Wind is the pure channel, all that comes through one as a hollow bamboo… Here there is no space to claim anything as ‘mine’ but to honour all as ‘thine’… Welcome to this cycle where we get to experience this first hand, and explore what that means, as Spirit channels through us the […]

White Wind Wavespell, Kin 222-226

Hi there dear people… Today we begin the 13-day cycle of the Wind… The cycle of Spirit that it is NOW possible to connect with since we have completed the past 13-day cycle of purification, and wasn’t that full on… Most people I know dealt with some form of drama in that cycle, and came out refreshed […]

A time to Quest-I-On, Yellow Warrior Wavespell, Kin 196-208

The Warrior Wavespell is with us again, from 15-27 March. This is a time for Light beings getting focused on their part of the play of battling fear. To arise together to enhance and embody the beauty of our abundant Pacha Mama. The abunDance that was revealed to us in the past Blue Night Wavespell. […]

Red Dragon Wavespell, Kins 1-13

Great to be back with you! Today we begin a whole new Tzolkin cycle at Kin 1 – Red Magnetic Dragon, prepares for a 13-day cycle to birth the DIVINE FEMININE. Today is a portal day, where the dimensional doorways are OPEN – birthing new energy, activating the 260-day (9-month) Galactic Spin. Today is conception!!! […]

Yellow Sun Wavespell 4, Kin 40-52

  Welcome to the Wavespell of Enlightenment, a time to connect direct to Source… A time to shine brightly, independent (in-deep-end-dance) and sovereign… In these 13 days the collective focus may be on Sovereignty – our right to shine the light into the darkness, and reclaim our SELF as a unique expression of consciousness doing […]

Welcome to Creating a Greater Vision – Blue Eagle Wavespell, Kin 235-247

G’day Planetary Kin… The last weeks I have been in India and immersing in the great inner expanse of the sacred mountain Arunachala, and so in that last Wind Wavespell, (11-23 November 2015) the immersion was such, that I did not blog that Wavespell of Spirit, but purely and simply lived it!!! And now we have […]

Weaving the Web of LOVE – WHITE DOG WAVESPELL, Kin 170-182

Hi there beautiful people and welcome to the cycle of Univsersal LOVE… This is about you as Love, not so much looking for personal love in other, but the Love that we are deep inside… Like Grandmother Spider weaving the threads of Love or the web of Kin, across the universe… Who we are when we […]

TIME FOR ‘AWAKENING’ – Kins 53-65, Red Skywalker Wavespell 5

RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL Welcome to the Time of Awakening as we are in this cycle that encourages us to explore, expand, open and awaken, to our place within the universe, to look deeper into the #’meaning of life’… We will explore this cycle through the medium of story, as has been through time immemorial, the way to […]

WHAT IS THE SHAMANS JOURNEY? – Wizard Wavespell, Kins 14-26

WHITE WIZARD WAVESPELL, Kin 14-26: Fri 17 – Wed 29 April; Planetary Moon 14-26 Welcome all to the Shamanic cycle of the Wizard… In this cycle we come to understand what a true Shaman path is… This will be a cycle of timeless receptivity to multi-dimensional realms… What it is to be enchanted by the […]