Yellow Human Wavespell – THE WISDOM PATH
Yellow Human Wavespell With so much up for change in our lives over the past 13 days of the Storm, the Human incites us to choose wisely our paths… To quest-i0n which path brings the greatest light and the most potential to shine and influence in the world… A shining example is Bernie Sanders who is […]
EDGEWALKING, THE ADRENALIN OF SURVIVAL – Red Serpent Wavespell, Kin 105-117
Hi there beautiful friends… So today begins the 13-day cycle of the Serpent… So what does that conjure up… Let us look at the codes of this cycle and then see what comes… 1 Purpose – Survival, Instinct, Life Force 2 Stabilising – Surrender, Death, Opportunity 3 Activating – Healing, Accomplishment, Knowledge 4 Defining – Creativity, […]
Eagle Wavespell, Kin 235-247
Dear friends, welcome to the Eagle wavespell… 13 days of Visioning… 13 days to find new solutions to the old problems… Already I have seen essential oils that can be used instead of plastics… and as we know there are so many solutions to so many of the planets problems all waiting and raring to […]
Human Wavespell
Hi there dear kin… Wow what a wild ride we have been on with the Storm wavespell, so much energy swirling as we launched into life full power in this new Gregorian year… Now we enter the Human wavepell of Wisdom and what it is to have Free Will Choice in our lives… The cycle […]
Kin 46: White Resonant Worldbridger
Dear beloveds… This is the Sun Wavespell, where ‘consciousness’ itself is the call… The cycle of source connection and witnessing how we shine our lights to focus on the highest potential of evolutionary growth… Today is the White Resonant Worldbridger, where we surrender to receiving the true reflections that open the doorways for Light to […]
Kin 9: Red Solar Moon (guided by the Serpent) / Crystal Moon 8 / June 6 / VENUS TRANSIT
So beloveds today is the 9th day of the Dragon Wavespell and is the Venus Transit – where from our perspective on Earth we can see Venus as a small black dot crossing the Sun. In effect this means that we have an alignment with our Earth, Venus, the Sun and Galactic Centre. So a […]
NEWSLETTER FOR THE NEW TIME now! Hello Planetary Kin… What an amazing year we are in – 2012 the year of prophecy – where so much is going on, on all levels, that the greatest advice is to follow your intuition and abide in your truth… This is the year for doing everything as it […]
Kin 260: Yellow Cosmic Sun (guided by the Seed) / Spectral 27 / May 28
Good Morning Planetary Kin… So today is the last day, day 260, of the Tzolkin harmonic matrix… ‘Tzol’ means to count, and ‘Kin’ means light, sun, day, our relationship to each other as kin… So Tzolkin is the count of days, the count of light and the count of us as kin in the sacred […]
Kin 254: White Resonant Wizard (guided by the Worldbridger) Spectral 21 / May 22
Good Morning Planetary kin… Today is the 7th day of the Star wavespell… Today we may be inspired to attune to receiving harmonic frequencies from other dimensions… Channeling creativity directly from the harmonic matrix… Open and timeless, available for the opportunity to bridge worlds, anchor heightened frequencies on Earth… This can also operate through our […]
Kin 245: Red Spectral Serpent (self guided) / Spectral Moon 12 / May 13
Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is one of the 13 clear signs that was held on the side of Pacal Votans tomb in Palenque, bound to be another strong day for humanity… Today is the 11th day of the Eagle wavespell, the 11th day always embraces the challenge that strengthens the first magnetic tone of the […]