Today is the 13th day of the Monkey cycle of creativity, joy and trusting to play with boundaries… The final and transcendent step of this cycle brings presence within the collective unconscious realms.. Available to heal what is denied, those seeming nightmares that we run from… To dive and simply endure, allowing the unconscious to become conscious, allowing the healing by diving deep enough to uncover the joy that lies below the illusions, to stop running. To simply be present, as we plumb the depths of illusory fears… Enduring what is transforms all into the divine dreaming that is our part of the pattern to embody… The beauty of these fears and illusions is that it is directly inside of them that we find our greatest joy…

Pre-dawn our warrior nature endures the quest of facing the fears and piercing to source where our ultimate freedom lies… Being present to shine the light on the intelligent design, seeing the inter-connectedness of all that spells out the New Time…

This morning we trust the healing as the bigger picture reveals where our trust is hampered, being present to this allows us to see the illusions that stop us from taking the steps that are required to allow the greater vision to be seen…

This afternoon we are challenged yet strengthened by listening to the awakening cosmos, present as we are lead by synchronicity further and further out into the stars, exploring the cosmic grand cycles that reveal  ‘as above, so below…’

This evenings gift attracts pure reflections of our interdimensional nature as illusions are cut away, resplendent in the clarity of truth… A divine reflection of the cosmos, honed, sharp and clear, stripped of what is not real…

So beloveds, another divine day of cosmic presence, the 13th day of a cycle is a day of being, of presence… So allow this divine state in readiness for the beginning of Kin 144 tomorrow, the beginning of a strong focus on co-creating the New Time! We will need all that we receive today to be able to forge ahead in clarity, with our dreams intact and ready to be initiated… Blessings Be!


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