Soul Astrology Sessions

Soul Astrology Sessions

Soul Astrology explores in-depth the NOW of your experience. The alchemy of the timing, aligning with the planets, gifting answers to your NOW! Pure Magic of the Celestial Spheres!

Natal charts are consulted. Revealing the themes of your life and contracts your Soul agreed to pre-incarnation. We look to the best ways for these themes to evolve through your life.

Transits and Progressions unveil deeper understanding of present-day experiences. Get a bigger picture of your Souls current evolutionary learnings, in order to accept them and live in grace and serenity, no matter what is going on…

Synastry and Composite charts focus on relationships. Synastry focuses on why two Souls are attracted to each other and their compatibility over time. Composite charts focus on the third entity of the relationship itself, the combined purpose, and the potential and challenges of the relationship…

AstroCartography offers to explore 3 places on the planet and their effects on you… Different places bring out different aspects of ourselves. E.g. a stay at a Sun IC place feels like home, a place for us to shine; Saturn MC places encourage work, discipline and a capacity to be acknowledged for that. Venus DS brings love etc etc… We can explore places where you now live, are thinking of traveling to, or have traveled to… We can also look at places where impactful people in your life are now or have come from. Or simply places that just hold an attraction for you.

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Join me to explore your Tropical Astrology chart. Tropical Astrology aligns with 0 degrees Aries on March 21st, Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. And explore your time, place and date of birth in relation to those calculations.

I find that Tropical Astrology is good for defining who you are in the ‘World’.

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Session Options

Natal Chart 60 Min, Astrocartography 45 Min, Transits/Synastry/Composite 90 Min, Astro & Dreamspell 120 Min


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