Yellow Seed Wavespell, Kin 144-156
Hi there beloveds… Well here I am fashionably late with this blog again as I travel from New Zealand en route to Bali, via the Byron Hinterland in Australia, meeting wonderful adventures with lovely family along the way… So here we are the 4th day of the Seed wavespell already… The days literally fly by […]
White Mirror Wavespell, Kin 118-130
Good Morning Planetary Kin… Whoosh, life has been carrying us on the fast ride, the intensity of each moment leading to the next in a swift accolade of the need to be present to each task… This weary body is now totally prepared for the next stage of cutting to the quick of reality, revealing […]
Kin 26: White Cosmic Worldbridger
Good Morning Planetary Kin… So we are at the 13th and last day of the Wizard wavespell of receptivity and anchoring our chalice of receptivity… Today the presence of this is experienced through surrendering fully to unconditional love, to knowing that all is interconnected in a cosmic web that avails us opportunities to open doorways […]
Kin 226: White Overtone Worldbridger (Thursday 26 September / Electric Moon 27 Limi)
Today is the 5th day of the Wind wavespell where we opening to allow spirit to flow through us… Today we find the power of surrender, becoming receptive, opening as a portal to other worlds and dimensions… To be a bridge to the spirit realm, empowered by anchoring deeply, the more we let go, the […]
As we enter the Serpent Wavespell we can expect 13 days of intensity. Along with the Serpents love of being in the midst of the action and drama of life, this cycle has 10 GAP (Galactic Activation Portal) days in a row, one of only two 13-day cycles to have this. My experience of GAP […]
Kin 126: White Solar Worldbridger (Tuesday 18 June)
Ah to let go and let god… The absolute bliss and ecstasy that beckons us from beyond the veils… To follow the breath in and out to source and the cosmos… This is what today, the 9th day of the Mirror wavespell promises, as it abides in the central column of the Tzolkin, the place where […]
Kin 46: White Resonant Worldbridger
Dear beloveds… This is the Sun Wavespell, where ‘consciousness’ itself is the call… The cycle of source connection and witnessing how we shine our lights to focus on the highest potential of evolutionary growth… Today is the White Resonant Worldbridger, where we surrender to receiving the true reflections that open the doorways for Light to […]
White Wizard Wavespell – 26/2-10/3; Blue Lunar Eagle – Wednesday 27 Feb
Hello there dear kin… So finally my computer has fully died and I am in the process of receiving another… Do any of you out there have one you no longer need? The Wizard wavespell attracts the frequency of receptivity and anchoring the portals, and so it seems that this is the way I will […]
Red Dragon Wavespell ‘Birthing the New’ – Kin 1 to Kin 13; Feb 13 to Feb 26, 2013
Good Morning Planetary Kin… Great to be back with you again and today we begin a whole new Tzolkin cycle at Kin 1 – Red Magnetic Dragon, which is a portal day, a day when the dimensional doorways are receiving new energy to birth onto our planet… In this cycle each of the Kin numbers […]
Blue Eagle Wavespell – ‘Cycle of Creative Vision’ (18 January – 1 February 2013)
Good Morning Planetary Kin, So today I am sharing the example of what will be on offer for paid subscription of ‘Wavespell Blogs’! Especially once my computer is fixed! So here goes… This is the 13 day cycle of the Eagle, denoting the creative minds capacity for long-term Vision… Where our sights are set on […]