Kin 230: White Solar Dog ‘Realising Compassion’
So good afternoon, planetary kin… Well it seems disaster has struck, well not the life ending type, and nothing compared to many experiences, but definitely one that slows down my mission… As with all disasters, this one has a silver lining I am sure… So two days ago my computer stopped working, I had a […]
Kin 226: White Overtone Worldbridger ‘The Power of Letting Go/d/dess’
Good morning planetary kin… So today is 260 days since my birthday, representing one galactic spin into my evolutionary learning for this year… I have been putting off writing about today in favour of pure experience, and so now I am ready… I am also aware that today is a big energy, calling for big […]
Kin 186: White SelfExisting Worldbridger ‘Defining Death’
Good day Planetary Kin… Today is the 4th day of the Night wavespell… The cycle where we delve deep into the hidden unconscious and recover all that we seek to forget… The modern paradigm carries a fear of death, a fear of the passage from one world to another, a fear of the great unknown […]
Kin 86: White Galactic Worldbridger (guided by the Dog) / Magnetic Moon 28 / Aug 22
Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is the 28th day of the Magnetic Moon, the first of 13 Moons that make up the 365 day journey of the Earth around the Sun… Today worldwide people will hold in the minds and hearts the activation of the Rainbow Bridge from pole to pole of our mother Earth […]
Kin 78: White Cosmic Mirror (guided by the Wind) / Magnetic Moon 20 / Aug 14
Good Morning Planetary Kin… White Cosmic Mirror is the 13th day of the Worldbridger wavespell… On the 13th day the work is done and we hold presence of the original purpose of surrender, letting go to allow opportunities for the right connections… To be a pure truly aligned in the truth to allow spirits messages […]
Kin 66: White Magnetic Worldbridger / Magnetic Moon 8 / Aug 2
Hello Planetary Kin… So even though it is the end of the day, because this is the beginning of a wavespell, I shall merge into this energy to read the codes and deliver whatever comes through… The Worldbridger wavespell is the wavespell I am born into and so it holds extra special importance for me… […]
Kin 46: White Resonant Worldbridger (guided by the Mirror) / Cosmic Moon 17 / Friday 13 July
Good noon Planetary kin… So today is the 7th day of the Sun wavespell… Today we are inspired to drop all attachment to other than the pure reflection of truth… As we surrender to feeling what is the most aligned for us, we can channel great truths direct from source… Today we are supported by […]
Kin 30: White SelfExisting Dog (guided by the Worldbridger) / Cosmic Moon 1 / June 27
Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is one of the 13 clear signs from Pacal Votans tomb lid in Palenque, it is also the 4th day of the healing cycle of the Hand… Today we define healing as the capacity to have a compassionate and surrendered mind, open to all levels of connection, in order to […]
Kin 26: White Cosmic Worldbridger (guided by the Dog) / Crystal Moon 25 / June 23
Hello beloved kin… Today is on of the 13 clear signs that were revealed on the Tomb Lid of Pacal Votan, which denotes the potency of this day… It is the 13th day of the 13 day cycle of anchoring the timeless receptivity of the Wizard/Shaman/Shamana… Today is all about surrendering completely to the presence […]
Kin 18: White Overtone Mirror (guided by Worldbridger) / Crystal Moon 17 / 15 June
Good Morning… Today is the 5th day of the Wizard wavespell… Today we reflect upon the power of surrendering to the truth, to the right alignment of reflecting truly all that channels through us… No holds barred! What is life as we strip away the masks and allow the breath of spirit to simply breathe […]