And so to the Night wavespell we flow and the story of Abundance, Intuition and the Dreaming for our planet… 1 MAGNETIC attracting – NIGHT Abundance, Intuition, Dreaming 2 LUNAR stabilising – SEED Target, Awareness, Flowering 3 ELECTRIC activating – SERPENT Survive, Instinct, Life Force 4 SELF EXISTING defining – WORLDBRIDGER Surrender, Opportunity, Death 5 OVERTONE […]

THE POTENCY OF THE NEW TIME – Yellow Seed Wavespell, Kin 144-156

Hola dear hearts from deep in the mountains of Pacha Mama… So today we begin the new cycle with Kin 144… The 13th number of the Fibronacci pattern… There is a story that it is either 144 or 144,000 people that hold the same thought form and then it joins the collective conscious… If anyone […]


Hola divine beings of light, Kin, mi familia… Today we begin the light reprieve of the Monkey Wavespell after the intensity of the Serpent and Mirror wavespells… The Monkey is magical, playful, innocent and full of mischief… Let us see the hijinx we get up to in this cycle…   1 Monkey – play, magic, […]

White Worldbridger Wavespell, Kin 66-78

HAPPY EQUINOX!! Let us Let go. Let god/dess. Hot on the Skywalker trail Gifted with awakening from our deep slumber Exploring the further reaches of space Now it is Time to open, the Worldbridger, Lord of Death beckons us to let go the old unnecessary to surrender to what arrives anew from other worlds… To […]

Red Skywalker Wavespell 5, Kin 53-65

Hi there beloved kin… We are in the beginning of the 5th cycle of 20 x 13-day cycles that make up the 260-day cycle of the Tzolkin, reflecting the cycle from conception to birth, or what is known as 9 months in the way the collective views time… The Tzolkin reveals the ever-evolving spin of […]

Blue Hand Wavespell, Kin 27-39

Dear Kin… After a couple of wavespells of traveling and break from the cyber world, I am returning on the morning of this Blue Hand wavespell to connect again and explore the coming Time together… The Blue Hand wavespell is the 3rd of the 20 x 13-day cycles that make up the Tzolkin of 260 […]


Blessed be Planetary Kin… And so we enter the 20th and final wavespell of the 260-day Tzolkin or Count of Days… This 13-day Star wavespell  begins with Yellow Magnetic Star attracting the frequencies of harmony, beauty, art and the divine creativity of the harmonic matrix, as energies to witness and evolve within over the coming […]

Wind Wavespell cont. Kin 227-230

Hi dear friends of the Earth… Great to walk this path of Spirit with you, in this wonderful Wind Wavespell of channeling Spirit direct, through the mediums of sound, music, dance, communication, prayer and any other iniinite variety of creation that Spirit guides us to be and do… And so to the days… Blue Rhythmic […]

White Wind Wavespell, Kin 222-226

Hi there dear people… Today we begin the 13-day cycle of the Wind… The cycle of Spirit that it is NOW possible to connect with since we have completed the past 13-day cycle of purification, and wasn’t that full on… Most people I know dealt with some form of drama in that cycle, and came out refreshed […]

Yellow Warrior Wavespell, Kin 196-208

As we enter the Warrior wavespell today, it heralds 13 days where we get to face any fears uncovered in the last 13-day cycle (wavespell) of the Night, where we dove deep to uncover any unconscious fears bound up in limitation… So this cycle is where we get to quest-i-on these fears and focus fearlessly on […]