Kin 10: White Planetary Dog

Good morning planetary people… Today is the 10th day of both the Dragon 13-day wavespell and the 260-day Tzolkin… Welcome to the day of love, where birth is is made manifest and there may be gatherings with family, with loved ones, with those that are close to our hearts, those that we can be most […]

Kin 5: Red Overtone Serpent

Good Morning … Today is the 5th day of the Dragon cycle of birthing the new, and the 5th day of the entire 260-day Tzolkin (Count of Days or Light pulses emanating from the Sun)… Did you know that it takes 260 days from conception to birth, and that is synonymous with Tzolkin round, and also […]

Kin 4: Yellow SelfExisting Seed

Good Morning beloveds Today is the 4th day of the Dragon 13-day cycle / wavespell of birthing and initiating the new… Today works primarily on the mental plane and so today we get to define the form the birth will take… With the Seed the form is that of co-creation and focusing on the highest […]

Kin 3: Blue Electric Night

Good Morning all… Today is the 3rd day of both the 13-day Dragon wavespell and the 260-day Tzolkin or harmonic matrix… Today we activate the process of birth and the ability to respond to the moment in a caring way, by diving deep into the unconscious in order to feel and heal… To be guided […]

Kin 250: White Electric Dog ( Sunday 20 Oct / SelfExisting Moon 3 Limi)

God/dess morning to all… Today is the 3rd day of the cycle of beauty and the harmonic matrix… A time to dive deep into the foundation of all of life – pure harmony and sacred geometry… Today we activate harmony, beauty and our own creativity by bonding in love – allowing deep receptivity to spark […]

Kin 249: Red Lunar Moon (Saturday 19 October / SelfExisting Moon 2 Seli)

Good Morning beloveds… Today is the 2nd day of the Star 13-day wavespell of creating beauty and harmony in our lives through accessing the harmonic matrix, which is the underlay of all consciousness… Today we face the challenge of anchoring deeply into that matrix, through going with the ‘flow’ in  our daily lives… If things […]

Kin 247: Blue Cosmic Hand (Thursday 17 October / Electric Moon 28 Silio)

Rainbow Bridge Meditation day is always the 28th day of each of the 13 Moons… Today also happens to be the 13th day of the Eagle wave spell of Vision… So today we complete a Moon and a Wavespell, a wonderful synchronicity… Today we are guided to trust that indeed the greater healing IS happening, […]

Kin 241: Red Resonant Dragon (Friday 11 October / Electric Moon 22 Dali)

Good Morning beloveds… Such tears fell over the last few days as I received an overwhelming response to my last post a couple of days ago, calling for support… Thankyou for sharing and giving and helping me to feel that these posts are received and appreciated… I had a wonderful conversation with a dear siStar […]

Kin 234: White Cosmic Wizard (Friday 4 October / Electric Moon 15 Dali)

So we come to the last day of the Wind wavespell of Spirit… Enjoy divine presence today, allow Spirit to anchor deeply in, be a chalice, a hollow bamboo of truth, in pure spiritual presence… Timeless receptivity, reflecting deeply the endless order of inter-dimensional reality, now! Meditate and create space for the experience of yourself […]