Kin 4: Yellow SelfExisting Seed

Good Morning beloveds Today is the 4th day of the Dragon 13-day cycle / wavespell of birthing and initiating the new… Today works primarily on the mental plane and so today we get to define the form the birth will take… With the Seed the form is that of co-creation and focusing on the highest […]

Kin 217: Red Solar Earth (Tuesday 17 September / Lunar Moon 26 Alpha)

Good morning Planetary Time-Trackers… Today is day 9 of the Moon wavespell… A day of realising flow as it pulses through us, igniting the life cycles of every interconnected fact of consciousness… Today we may awaken to the flow of cycles, expanding our awareness of greater cycles of time, as synchronicities pulse through us that […]

Kin 216: Yellow Galactic Warrior (Monday 16 Sept / Lunar Moon Kali 25)

Beloved Kin.. Welcome to a new day, the 8th day of the fluid and sensitive Moon wavespell, where purification is necessary in order to reach to pure consciousness… Today this is integrated with intelligent questioning guided by aligning to our greatest independence… To think outside of the box, and allow our own understandings to have […]

Kin 215: Blue Resonant Eagle (Sunday 15 September / Lunar Moon Gamma 24)

Good Morning Planetary Kin… So today is day 7 of the 13 day cycle of the Moon, the cycle of flow and purification… So today we look for a little emotional distance, in order to acknowledge any need for healing… This allows a pure vision to channel in that inspires us to focus forward on […]

Kin 128: Yellow Spectral Star (Thursday 20 June)

  As I write the title I realise that it is interesting that doubts that come into my head about this system that I have been contemplating and following for the past 17 years, which fit so elegantly into the system… Is such a conundrum… Is such a path of continually quest-i-oning all… And as soon […]

Kin 120: Yellow Electric Sun (Wednesday 12 June 2013)

Today is the 3rd day of the Mirror wavespell… A day of activating independence as we are guided to focus on co-creating with others… Illuminating our feelings as we strip away all till we get to the essence of each emotion, this encourages our capacity to shine our lights independently… A day to reflect upon the […]

Kin 224: Yellow Electric Seed ‘Activating Growth’

Good Morning Planetary Kin… This is Day 3 of the 13-day Wind wavespell… Today we activate our capacity to channel in service to the highest potential for this New Time we are entering… Guided to co-create the greatest harmony and focus on where we can go, not on where we are now, but where we […]

Kin 220: Yellow Crystal Sun ‘Illuminated Community’

Dear Kin… Some have asked why we keep sharing even tho it has been said the Mayan Calendar ‘has ended’… My experience of this, is that great cycles have completed and new ones begun and the harmonic matrix keeps weaving the divinity of radial time in its ever spirallic motion of evolving consciousness… The New […]