Day Out Of Time – Red Cosmic Skywalker 25.7.19
This Day Out Of Time or DOOT and New Year (July 25-26) the end of a 13-Year cycle of purification and initiates a new 13-year cycle of anchoring in a greater receptivity to co-creation, listening to spirit, reflecting on the bare bones of what is real by cutting away all that is not true. Collectively the foundation will be based on how to co-create a more loving world that supports all beings. It is time for greater care.
Red Cosmic Moon year – July 26 2018 – July 25 2019
Welcome to the RED COSMIC MOON Year. This is such a POTENT year! The 13th year of a 13-year cycle of PURIFICATION with the RED MOON. This year has been prepared for by learning to co-create in the previous Yellow Crystal Seed year. We learnt to quest-i-on any fears around coming together to use our collective […]