Kin 155: Blue Crystal Eagle (Wednesday 17 July 2013)

Today holds the capacity for the most divine vision of community and how to live in New Time community that allows for the ebbs and flows of all peoples evolution, by always looking to the highest potential and most positive reality of all that occurs… The capacity to do this in a very real way […]

Kin 155: Blue Crystal Eagle ‘Community Vision’

Good Morning Beloveds… This morning I would like to honour my dear soul siStar Rachel who I have lived with most of the last 3 years in Bali… She reveals to me the depth of this days energy… Her capacity to hold the most divine vision of community and how to live in New Time […]

Kin 106: White Lunar Worldbridger ‘Tis a good day to die’

Good Morning planetary kin… It is time for us to look to what is really necessary for our survival, and to let go of all that does not allow our physical space to be the most divine temple, clear of clutter… So that we may move forward with the ‘isness’ of this moment, this life […]