Kin 235: Blue Magnetic Eagle (Saturday 5 October / Electric Moon 16 Seli)

Beloved Kin… And so we begin a new cycle, the cycle of the Eagle… Today we attract the bigger picture, envisioning new horizons with our creative minds… Pre-dawn we attract a willingness to co-create with others, our collect dreamtime… A capacity to be as the seed, full of the potential of the forest, with the […]

Kin 105: Red Magnetic Serpent ‘Survival Instinct’

Today is the 19th day of the Lunar Moon… Today is the first day of the 13-day Serpent wavespell… Probably the most intense cycle of them all… The cycle where we are faced with what is really necessary in our lives… Where our instinct for survival kicks in… Where we leap before we look into […]