Red Dragon Wavespell, Kins 1-13

Great to be back with you! Today we begin a whole new Tzolkin cycle at Kin 1 – Red Magnetic Dragon, prepares for a 13-day cycle to birth the DIVINE FEMININE. Today is a portal day, where the dimensional doorways are OPEN – birthing new energy, activating the 260-day (9-month) Galactic Spin. Today is conception!!! […]

Kin 137: Red Resonant Earth ‘Inspired Synchronicity’

Today I honour the mother in all ways… Our Mother Earth, Papatuanuku, Pacha Mama, Ibu Pertiwi, Gaia, who inspires us to trust as we look to how she carries and provides for us, even though some have not found their way home to their relationship to her as our mother, YET! I am inspired by […]