Kin 161: Red Overtone Dragon (Tuesday 23 July)

Today we can command the flow of purification to seep as far back as we can imagine, that it may become the mighty tide that empowers and nurtures our creations to birth now and in the future…. Today we birth our capacity to flow with synchronicity in our lives, to be listening for the signs […]

Kin 155: Blue Crystal Eagle (Wednesday 17 July 2013)

Today holds the capacity for the most divine vision of community and how to live in New Time community that allows for the ebbs and flows of all peoples evolution, by always looking to the highest potential and most positive reality of all that occurs… The capacity to do this in a very real way […]

Kin 100: Yellow Solar Sun (May 23, ’13) – Pulsing Light

Dear friends… Happy bEarthday Lahla Aroha… A divine siStar that shines so brightly already, will be shining even more brightly today and the rest of this year…. So today is the 9th day of the 13-day cycle of the Human, where free will and making wise choices allow us to be influential in our lives… […]

Kin 82: White SelfExisting Wind – May 5, 2013

God Morning beloveds… So today is the 4th day of the Storm wavespell… And today we have the opportunity to define chaos, change and transformation… So it seems the form that change takes is when our minds are as open as a hollow bamboo… No concepts, points of view, or judgments – just a pure […]

Kin 47: Blue Galactic Hand – March 31

Dear Kin… After a great break from these daily downloads, I have now chosen to begin again… Releasing anything for a time, enables a fresh view within which to return, so we continue now our journey of witnessing the daily energies of the harmonic matrix of the Mayan Dreamspell… Take from this what you will, […]

Kin 35: Blue Solar Eagle, guided by the Monkey – Mar 19, 2013

Hi beloveds… Please excuse my absence from this blog for the past weeks, it seems a sabbatical (where does that word come from?) was needed… I trust that you could all find your way thru the divine synchronicitys that excite our evolution… So today is Day 9 of the Hand wavespell… Today we realise, the […]

Blue Planetary Night, Kin 23, Manifesting Abundance – March 7 2013

Hey there beloveds… Just a quickie from the airport traveling from Gold Coast to Melbourne in Australia… So today is the 10th day of the Wizard wavespell… The 10th day is always the day where the original purpose is manifest and perfected in the physical plane… So today we are manifesting the shamanic capacity to […]

White Solar Wind, Kin 22, Bolon Ik – March 6 2013

Dear friends… Welcome to Bolon Ik… Solar Wind in ‘lingo Maya’… Bolon Ik brings me to the Temple of Learning in Palenque, and is also the signature of Lloydine Arguelles, Jose’s wife who assisted with the downloading of the Dreamspell… Solar Wind is the realisation of timeless receptivity and how the shamanic presence allows the channeling of truths, […]