Kin 105: Red Magnetic Serpent ‘Survival Instinct’

Today is the 19th day of the Lunar Moon… Today is the first day of the 13-day Serpent wavespell… Probably the most intense cycle of them all… The cycle where we are faced with what is really necessary in our lives… Where our instinct for survival kicks in… Where we leap before we look into […]

Kin 103: Blue Crystal Night ‘Sharing Abundance’

G’day planetary kin… So have not got to this till the end of the day in Indonesia, which is still the beginning of the day elsewheres and day over in New Zealand… So better late than never… Sometimes the days just go by and there is no cognizant thought around it, this is a day […]

Kin 102: White Spectral Wind ‘Channeling Freedom’

Ok good morning beloveds… So today I had a wonderful dream, I guess it was wonderful… Anyways I was in a hospital and I knew I had to be there to heal people, as the light that I carried needed to channel through me… There was a lady on a bed with a very bad […]

Kin 101: Red Planetary Dragon ‘ Manifesting Response-able Flow’

Aloha! So this is on of those days that although I don’t feel I am doing anything constructive, I am actually when I feel into it going with the flow of my responses, honouring my capacity to care for others in that flow… Honouring my sense of responsibility to the community through manifesting the opportunity […]

Kin 100: Yellow Solar Sun ‘Courageous lllumination’

Hey there beloveds… So today is the 9th day of the Free Will Wisdom wavespell… and the 14th day of the Lunar (second) Moon of this Blue Resonant Storm year 2012/13… So today suggests we set our intention to fearlessly shine our light… And today I have been listening to a webcast that is encouraging […]

Kin 99: Blue Galactic Storm ‘Modeling Change’

Good Morning Beloveds everywhere… Wow talk about MEGA-inspired this morning… I am noticing that there are folk out there that have hit on the formula to truly create a worldwide shift through the opportunities granted us in this cyber-world… It is a WOW as I look through the websites of The Shift Network … These […]

Kin 98: White Resonant Mirror ‘Inspiring Truth’

Good Morning beloved kin… Today is the 7th day of the Human Free Will Wavespell. White Resonant Mirror is guided by the Dog, this suggests it is time to be inspired by the truth of the heart, to connect with others by reflecting the divine truth that is present… Attuning to the wisdom of reflecting […]

Kin 97: Red Rhythmic Earth ‘Evolving the Hoop’

Hey beloveds… Well that was some Full Moon – we spent it at the beach with the fire and singing and sleeping on the beach in Uluwatu… so awesome to be with sun, sand and surf again… I realised I nearly always live near the sea, and living in Ubud, up the mountain some is […]

Kin 95: Blue SelfExisting Eagle / Mind flies!

Good Morning Planetary Kin… On first note, I wish to acknowledge the entirely new stream of energy flowing in, yesterday was Huge, the energy arriving was so new, so unfelt, so different as to insite true awe inside… So just needed to acknowledge that as I noticed there were many more people attuning in yesterday […]

Kin 93: Red Lunar Skywalker (guided by the Serpent) / Lunar Moon 6

Good Morning Light Beings… Today is the 2nd day of the Human wavespell and is a Galactic Activation Portal day, a day when the dimensional doorways are open, so anything could happen… Today we anchor the free will of choosing wisdom by going out and exploring the world… Guided by our instinct for survival to […]