Kin 90: White Crystal Dog (guided by the Wind) / Lunar Moon 4

Good Morning beloveds… So today is the 12th day of the 13 day Storm cycle… With Crystal Dog after having released all surplus energy yesterday and also liberated any sense of motive, we are now available to co-operate with others… The Crystal tone represents the highest level of mind, the minds capacity to operate with […]

Kin 89: Red Spectral Moon (self guided) / Lunar Moon 3

Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is Day 11 of the 13 day Storm wavespell… Today with Spectral Moon, we liberate change through our capacity to express our emotions sensitively and in the flow… Allowing the change that has been catalysed to reveal a very pure and refined way to flow with energy that needs to […]

Kin 88: Yellow Planetary Star (guided by the Warrior) / Lunar Moon 2

A beautiful day to all… Today is the 2nd day of the 2nd Moon/month of the 365 day Blue Resonant Storm year. Today is also the 10th day of the Blue Storm 13 day cycle, which is the 6th cycle of the 260 day tzolkin spin… 260 days is the time from conception birth, and […]

Kin 87: Blue Solar Hand (guided by the Night) / Lunar Moon 1 / Aug 23

Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is the 9th day of the Storm cycle, and the 1st day of the 2nd moon/month, the Lunar Moon, where we face the challenge to ground the purpose received in the first Magnetic Moon… The questions to ask – What is the action I need to take to anchor my […]

Kin 81: Red Electric Dragon (guided by the Serpent) / Magnetic Moon 23 / August 17

Today is the 2nd day of the 25th anniversary of Harmonic Convergence… It is also the 3rd day of the Storm wavespell… With the Electric Dragon we activate change through responding directly from our instinct to serve others by nurturing of any that are feeling isolated or alone, the caring that inspires transformation… Today is […]

Kin 80: Yellow Lunar Sun (guided by the Human) / Magnetic Moon 22 / August 16

Happy 25th anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence – Aug 16, 17 1987… Today is the 2nd day of the Storm wavespell… Lunar Sun asks us to stabilise the chaos of the Storm by becoming independant, choosing to walk in sovereignty on the earth… To allow the sunshine to allow us to be in our bodies, […]

Kin 79: Blue Magnetic Storm (self guided) / Magnetic Moon 21 / Aug 15

God Morning beloved kin… Today we begin a new 13 day cycle/wavespell with Blue Magnetic Storm… As a magnet attracts energy, so today we attract the energy of change by generating a lot of energy in this new cycle… The first day of a cycle sets the tone for the following 13 days, so expect […]

Kin 78: White Cosmic Mirror (guided by the Wind) / Magnetic Moon 20 / Aug 14

Good Morning Planetary Kin… White Cosmic Mirror is the 13th day of the Worldbridger wavespell… On the 13th day the work is done and we hold presence of the original purpose of surrender, letting go to allow opportunities for the right connections… To be a pure truly aligned in the truth to allow spirits messages […]

Kin 76: Yellow Spectral Warrior (self guided) / Magnetic Moon 18 / Aug 12

Good Morning Kin… My blogs are being liberated, as I learn how to access many different worlds within the web and link and bring in many other sites that highlight the energies of each day, I trust you will find increasing enjoyment and understanding with these blogs thru these worldbridging actions, and feel free to […]