Kin 234: White Cosmic Wizard ‘Receptive Presence’

Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is the 13th and last day of the Wind wavespell… A day of receptive and anchoring presence, where spirit just channels through us, as the breath of god/dess, passing through the dimensions receiving the most divine truths which bring pure alignment… Today we have been discussing meditation and the wonder […]

Kin 231: Blue Planetary Monkey ‘Manifesting Magic’

Good Morning Planetary Kin… So today is day 10 of the Wind wavespell of 13 days… Day 10 always works primarily on the physical dimension of manifesting and perfecting of the original purpose set down on Day 1… So to manifest more spirit in our lives comes from our capacity to trust change, to be […]

Kin 230: White Solar Dog ‘Realising Compassion’

So good afternoon, planetary kin… Well it seems disaster has struck, well not the life ending type, and nothing compared to many experiences, but definitely one that slows down my mission… As with all disasters, this one has a silver lining I am sure… So two days ago my computer stopped working, I had a […]

Kin 227: Blue Rhythmic Hand ‘Accomplish Balance’

God morning… Today is the 6th day of the Wind wavespell… Today works primarily on the physical plane, the dimension where Hand literally means Hand, and our hands are busy doing all that we need to do to accomplish balance.. It is time to organise all that is needed to walk forward with spirits messages… […]

Kin 226: White Overtone Worldbridger ‘The Power of Letting Go/d/dess’

Good morning planetary kin… So today is 260 days since my birthday, representing one galactic spin into my evolutionary learning for this year… I have been putting off writing about today in favour of pure experience, and so now I am ready… I am also aware that today is a big energy, calling for big […]

Kin 225: Red SelfExisting Serpent ‘Instinctive Mind’

Beloved Kin… Today is the 4th day of the Wind wavespell… Today we define what it is to channel and allow ourselves to be the conduits for spirits messages… This occurs when the primal mind is able to respond instinctively to any impulses and allow direct communication to be expressed… We are all Spirit, we […]

Kin 224: Yellow Electric Seed ‘Activating Growth’

Good Morning Planetary Kin… This is Day 3 of the 13-day Wind wavespell… Today we activate our capacity to channel in service to the highest potential for this New Time we are entering… Guided to co-create the greatest harmony and focus on where we can go, not on where we are now, but where we […]

Kin 222: White Magnetic Wind ‘Attracting Spirit’

Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is the first day of the White Wind wavespell… Magnetic draws to itself spiritual energy that sets the frequency or purpose for the following 13 days… So today we draw Spirit in, what it is to channel, to breathe, to write, to dance, to sing – all that flows through […]

Kin 221: Red Cosmic Dragon ‘Nurturing Presence’

Good Morning Planetary Kin.. So today is the last day of the 13-day cycle of the Moon, the cycle of flow, sensitivity to pure consciousness, and purification… The Cosmic/13th day brings presence to the original energy that initiated at Tone 1/Magnetic, and evolved to this final step in the mastery of this energy… So the […]

Kin 220: Yellow Crystal Sun ‘Illuminated Community’

Dear Kin… Some have asked why we keep sharing even tho it has been said the Mayan Calendar ‘has ended’… My experience of this, is that great cycles have completed and new ones begun and the harmonic matrix keeps weaving the divinity of radial time in its ever spirallic motion of evolving consciousness… The New […]