Kin 48: Yellow Solar Star

Hi folks… Today is the 9th day of the Sun wavespell, where we are learning the new value of sovereignty and independence… Today we realise these qualities, through focusing all our attention on the highest potential creations of beauty and harmony and allowing that energy to pulse through us… Knowing ourselves as creators with Source […]

Kin 43: Blue SelfExisting Night

Good Morning Planetary Kin… It has been brought to my attention again in the last couple of days, the plight that is facing the indigenous peoples of our planet, in a way that has ruptured my heart… The desire of corporate greed is such a diabolical disease, that it is attempting to kill off those […]

Kin 42: White Electric Wind

Good Morning Planetary Kin… So today we are on day 3 of the Sun wavespell of Illumination, Enlightenment and Sovereignty… A 13-day cycle where we get to explore these aspects and stand up to shine the light that we are and claim our independence… Today I would like to devote this sharing to Rahb Callahan, […]

Kin 35: Blue Solar Eagle

Good Morning beloveds… Today is the 9th day of the Hand wavespell of Healing and Accomplishment… Today healing is realised as we witness, seeing the bigger picture  and trusting… We are guided to trust that all that is necessary to be accomplished will be… Today we are able to see further than we have before… […]

Kin 34: White Galactic Wizard

Good Morning planetary kin… Today is the 8th day of the Hand wavespell of Healing and Accomplishment… Today we integrate the last days through our minds receptivity to recognising patterns… In reflecting upon the patterns that occur, healing is integrated, as a greater receptivity and opening is available… The mind becomes still and honed to […]

Kin 31: Blue Overtone Monkey

Beloved Kin Today is the 5th day of the 13-day Hand wavespell…. Today we play with the power of magic, pushing our own boundaries, as we are guided to transform and be catalysts for change… We are asked to trust the change as we allow our childlike innocence to emerge into the magical healing realms…. […]

Kin 30: White SelfExisting Dog

Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today is dedicated to my dear friend Malaika Vera, a White SelfExisting Dog… Today is the 4th day of the Hand wavespell of healing and accomplishment… Interesting that these energies go hand in hand… Perhaps true accomplishment is geared towards healing, or healing allows true accomplishment? This quest-i-on is one that […]

Kin 29: Red Electric Moon

G’day folks… So today is the 3rd day of the Hand wavespell of healing and accomplishment. Today this energy is activated by expressing emotion and expanding into the flow of life… Purify, swim, flow and allow your sensitivity to expand… FEEL everything… To FEEL is to HEAL… To feel and bare witness and allow the […]

Kin 27: Blue Magnetic Hand

Good Morning planetary Kin… So the beginning of a new 13-day cycle, the cycle of the Hand… The Blue Hand, Manik in Yucatec Maya, represents healing, knowledge and accomplishment… We could look at those energies as leading from one to the other – as we heal, we gain knowledge that leads to accomplishment… I always […]

Kin 25: Red Crystal Serpent

Good Morning Planetary Kin… So 4 days off the transmissions, I am being called to return and share of the last days of this Wizard wavespell of receptive anchoring… Today works us primarily on the mental plane, the highest level of mind, the minds capacity to operate with other mind, in co-operation… This energy has […]