Tracking Time Codes

By Tracking Time Codes learn the structure of the Mayan Dreamspell that supports to track time naturally. Gifting awareness of the evolution of consciousness daily. Learn to ‘decode’ those around you to gain deeper comprehension of the truth of what is at play. Deep gratitude bubbles up from learning the patterns of universal law and […]

Day Out Of Time – Red Cosmic Skywalker 25.7.19

This Day Out Of Time or DOOT and New Year (July 25-26) the end of a 13-Year cycle of purification and initiates a new 13-year cycle of anchoring in a greater receptivity to co-creation, listening to spirit, reflecting on the bare bones of what is real by cutting away all that is not true. Collectively the foundation will be based on how to co-create a more loving world that supports all beings. It is time for greater care.