Kin 147: Blue SelfExisting Hand ‘Defining Accomplishment’

G’day beloveds… As I write my first blog since returning to this great and ancient continent of Gondwanaland, the dreaming continent of Australia… I can feel a different quality under my feet, the solid grounding of this huge land that stretches for thousands of miles eastward, as I arrive on the western edge of this […]

Kin 134: White SelfExisting Wizard ‘Modeling Receptivity’

Mornin Folks… So today is the 4th day of the Monkey cycle… Today we work foundationly on the mental plane, defining magic as the capacity for our minds to be receptive and beckoning… Where the mind resides deeply in the hearts compassion, measuring its capacity to connect, each connection enchanting and encouraging trust in the […]

Kin 131: Blue Magnetic Monkey ‘Let the Fun begin’

Yeehaaahaha!!! The Monkey cycle begins, gather up your inner children and encourage them to spring into the light of day, prancing in the light of joy! Encourage pushing all the boundaries for the sheer fun of it.. Letting go all holds and allow the learning to begin… For without pushing the boundaries we do not […]

Kin 129: Red Crystal Moon ‘Pure Co-operation’

Today is the 12th day of the 13-day cycle of the Mirror, reflecting truth, and today this is reflected when we have no agenda as we connect with others, none but  pure responses… Creating brainwaves to flow from one to the other in ever fluid responses… This day works primarily on the mental plane, the […]

Kin 128: Yellow Spectral Star ‘Releasing Beauty’

Good morning all… As I write the title today I realise that it is interesting that the doubts that come into my head about this system that I have been contemplating and following for the past 17 years fit so elegantly into the system… Is such a conundrum… Is such a path of continually quest-i-oning […]

Kin 126: White Solar Worldbridger ‘Realising Surrender’

Ah to let go and let god… The absolute bliss and ecstasy that beckons us from beyond the veils… Ah to follow the breath in and out to source and the cosmos… This is what today, the Solar Worldbridger, promises, as it abides in the central column of the Tzolkin, the place where balance arrives […]

Kin 125: Red Galactic Serpent ‘Integrating Instinct’

Today is the 8th day of the Mirror cycle/wavespell… As such this Galactic Serpent integrates the direct honesty of the mirror through allowing the flow of the raw instinctual mind… The fight or flight mechanism that allows pure unadulterated brilliance to be revealed… It can be sharp and to the point and in this can […]

Kin 124: Yellow Resonant Seed ‘Inspiring Co-Creation of the New’

Good Mornin all.. So this morning begins this momentous day of inspiring co-creation by resonating with the New Time… Oh what can be in store? I feel the excitation building here in Bali as we head into a big event for the day and night… With the Aries Full Moon conjunct Uranus, ANYTHING could happen […]

Kin 123: Blue Rhythmic Night ‘Organising the Dream’

Cicadas singing their glorious song, empassioned by the hidden dreams shared along the waves of silence. The intensity of their song flavours the whole valley as all ears receive the song of Earth evolving. As if by magic they hear the song emitting from some technical device and lift their song that they may attune […]

Kin 117: Red Cosmic Earth ‘Pacha Mama’

Good Morning Earth Children… Today I dedicate this writing to my dear siStar Kala Shekinah, who was born today, some thirty-something solar cycles ago… To you my dear siStar may your year bring you all the beauty of the Eternal Mystique – Pacha Mama ki jai! Today I feel deep gratitude and give thanks to […]