Kin 115: Blue Spectral Eagle ‘Liberating Vision’

Good Morning Planetary Visionaries…  for we are all visionaries today! Today on this 11th day of the Serpent wavespell, we release the built up life force into the future, with our far-seeing inner vision… Flying above the confines of normal life, bigger pictures and creative visions are revealed to us today, in order that we […]

Kin 114: White Planetary Wizard ‘Perfect Receptivity’

Good Morning beloveds, what a cycle this is, powerful and divine… Today is Day 10, the day where we manifest the most potent life force through Planetary Wizard… Anchoring the frequencies of the cosmos that we explored and experienced yesterday, down into the gravitational spin of the physical dimension through our breath… Breathing ourselves into […]

Kin 113: Red Solar Skywalker ‘Awakening Universal Flow’

Today the 9 day of the Serpent cycle… We realise the pulse of life force as a current that allows us to flow up and explore the expansive realms of the cosmos – multi-dimensional non-linear ripples of awakening throughout the Universes…. Supported today by Solar Worldbridger, riding the portals to communicate with other worlds and […]

Kin 109: Red Overtone Moon ‘We are the frontline of our bloodlines’

‘We are the frontline of our bloodlines’ These are words from a wonderful and powerful song by a dear sistar Elen Evolove in Byron Bay… And they ring true for this Overtone Moon day… A day where purifying our bloodlines through rolling back the generations to truly feel what it is our ancestors felt, not […]

Kin 108: Yellow SelfExisting Star ‘Forming Harmony’

Good Morning Planetary Kin… So Kin 108… What a number is this, the 108 names of the divine within the Hindu way of seeing… Within the Law of Time, Jose always spoke of the Galactic Mind TransMission as GM108X… So let us look to this Kin and discover what it carries… So SelfExisting is the […]

Kin 106: White Lunar Worldbridger ‘Tis a good day to die’

Good Morning planetary kin… It is time for us to look to what is really necessary for our survival, and to let go of all that does not allow our physical space to be the most divine temple, clear of clutter… So that we may move forward with the ‘isness’ of this moment, this life […]

Kin 105: Red Magnetic Serpent ‘Survival Instinct’

Today is the 19th day of the Lunar Moon… Today is the first day of the 13-day Serpent wavespell… Probably the most intense cycle of them all… The cycle where we are faced with what is really necessary in our lives… Where our instinct for survival kicks in… Where we leap before we look into […]

Kin 103: Blue Crystal Night ‘Sharing Abundance’

G’day planetary kin… So have not got to this till the end of the day in Indonesia, which is still the beginning of the day elsewheres and day over in New Zealand… So better late than never… Sometimes the days just go by and there is no cognizant thought around it, this is a day […]

Kin 102: White Spectral Wind ‘Channeling Freedom’

Ok good morning beloveds… So today I had a wonderful dream, I guess it was wonderful… Anyways I was in a hospital and I knew I had to be there to heal people, as the light that I carried needed to channel through me… There was a lady on a bed with a very bad […]

Kin 101: Red Planetary Dragon ‘ Manifesting Response-able Flow’

Aloha! So this is on of those days that although I don’t feel I am doing anything constructive, I am actually when I feel into it going with the flow of my responses, honouring my capacity to care for others in that flow… Honouring my sense of responsibility to the community through manifesting the opportunity […]