Kin 144: Yellow Magnetic Seed (Saturday, July 6)

Welcome to the 13-day cycle that initiates our capacity to co-create the new time… The Seed focuses its energy on drawing deep earth energy up through its roots in order to grow into the light of day and further to flower in an ever-growing awareness of the light… Focusing all its intention to reaching to […]

Kin 109: Red Overtone Moon (Saturday, 1st June)

Today we are empowered to flow with the synchronicities as they occur… To allow the deep sensitivity to the flow of Pacha Mamas currents as they flow in our own blood…. ‘We are the frontline of our bloodlines’ These are words from a powerful song by a dear sistar Elen Evolove in Byron Bay…  A […]

Kin 108: Yellow SelfExisting Star (Friday, May 31)

I am sending through this day as a gifting to my sister… It is a day late as I have not had strong access to the internet over the past 24 hours… And it is a very important day and I feel such deep gratitude for her in my life… I tried to contact her […]

Kin 106: White Lunar Worldbridger (May 29, 2013)

Today we may look to what is really necessary for our survival, letting go by releasing attachment to all that does not allow our physical space to be the most divine temple, clear of clutter… In this we may move forward with the ‘isness’ of this moment, anchoring fully into the physical plane of life, […]

Kin 102: White Spectral Wind (May 25, ’13) – Spirits Release

Good Morning beloveds… WOW what a day today, the 11th day of the Human cycle of free will, wisdom and influence… Today we free up and release the extraneous energy of any choices made throughout the past 10 days which may not have been based in the deepest wisdom, by coming into the breath and […]

Kin 100: Yellow Solar Sun (May 23, ’13) – Pulsing Light

Dear friends… Happy bEarthday Lahla Aroha… A divine siStar that shines so brightly already, will be shining even more brightly today and the rest of this year…. So today is the 9th day of the 13-day cycle of the Human, where free will and making wise choices allow us to be influential in our lives… […]

Kin 84: Yellow Rhythmic Seed (May 7 ’13) – Organising Seed

Hi beloveds… So here we are in the 6th day of the transformative Storm cycle, which seems to be taking us all on a whirl, so much is changing and re-arranging around us and through us… Lucky we had the Worldbridger cycle as a lead up, where we mastered what it was to let go […]

Kin 82: White SelfExisting Wind – May 5, 2013

God Morning beloveds… So today is the 4th day of the Storm wavespell… And today we have the opportunity to define chaos, change and transformation… So it seems the form that change takes is when our minds are as open as a hollow bamboo… No concepts, points of view, or judgments – just a pure […]

Kin 70: White Overtone Dog – 23 April 2013

Good morning Earth-dwellers… So today is the 5th day of the Worldbridging (surrender, networking, connecting different worlds) 13-day wavespell… Today exists primarily on the spiritual plane, and brings the powerful radiance of surrender, that is revealed through unconditional love… When you place the glyph/archetype/solar ray of the Dog into the spiritual plane, that love, loyalty […]

Kin 48: Yellow Solar Star

Good Morning to all… So today is the 9th day of the Sun Wavespell in the Mayan Dreamspell ( harmonic matrix… The 9th day is called Yellow Solar Star… And today we focus towards raising vibration to the highest potency of beauty… Realising the elegance of the harmonic geometries of light, and creating by seeding intentions […]