Kin 117, Red Cosmic Earth

Red Cosmic Earth is the presence of deep gratitude for the evolution of Pacha Mama, with dedicated breath in service to her ever-evolving cycles… Red Cosmic Earth is the 13th and final day of the Serpent Wavespell. Here the presence of survival is felt as a capacity to listen and respond to the cycles of evolution […]

Kin 182: White Cosmic Wind ‘Spirit Presence’

Good morning beloved earth beings… So today is the 13th and last day of the cycle of the heart and understanding the connectedness of all in unconditional love… Today is White Cosmic Wind, being in the pure presence of unconditional love communicating across the worlds… Allowing spirit to channel thru us as we surrender completely […]

Kin 117: Red Cosmic Earth ‘Pacha Mama’

Good Morning Earth Children… Today I dedicate this writing to my dear siStar Kala Shekinah, who was born today, some thirty-something solar cycles ago… To you my dear siStar may your year bring you all the beauty of the Eternal Mystique – Pacha Mama ki jai! Today I feel deep gratitude and give thanks to […]