Kin 241: Red Resonant Dragon (Friday 11 October / Electric Moon 22 Dali)

Good Morning beloveds… Such tears fell over the last few days as I received an overwhelming response to my last post a couple of days ago, calling for support… Thankyou for sharing and giving and helping me to feel that these posts are received and appreciated… I had a wonderful conversation with a dear siStar […]

Yellow Resonant Sun – 4 March ’13 – Inspiring Light

Hi again… It seems with all the comings and goings and computer outages, this wavespell is not one where I am so reliable with my wavespell or daily transmissions… So here I am at the end of this Resonant Sun day only just having a moment to approach this little PC and  share… In this […]

Kin 98: White Resonant Mirror ‘Inspiring Truth’

Good Morning beloved kin… Today is the 7th day of the Human Free Will Wavespell. White Resonant Mirror is guided by the Dog, this suggests it is time to be inspired by the truth of the heart, to connect with others by reflecting the divine truth that is present… Attuning to the wisdom of reflecting […]

Kin 241: Red Resonant Dragon (guided by the Skywalker)

Good morning Planetary Kin… Today we are inspired by our response-abilities, and the expression of those abilities to respond and resonate to what is needed to birth the greater vision, the creation process of birthing the new… We attune to this vision of what it is we are heading for, in order to allow energy […]