Red SelfExisting Serpent, Kin 225

Being bathed in the first rays of light shining in my window. The Serpent and the Sun greet! My mind reaches out full of hope to meet the brilliance of this new day!
The energy in my body awakens and I meet the beauty with the instinctive knowing that we have a new chance at co-creating beauty today.

Kin 225: Red SelfExisting Serpent ‘Instinctive Mind’

Beloved Kin… Today is the 4th day of the Wind wavespell… Today we define what it is to channel and allow ourselves to be the conduits for spirits messages… This occurs when the primal mind is able to respond instinctively to any impulses and allow direct communication to be expressed… We are all Spirit, we […]

Kin 134: White SelfExisting Wizard ‘Modeling Receptivity’

Mornin Folks… So today is the 4th day of the Monkey cycle… Today we work foundationly on the mental plane, defining magic as the capacity for our minds to be receptive and beckoning… Where the mind resides deeply in the hearts compassion, measuring its capacity to connect, each connection enchanting and encouraging trust in the […]

Kin 95: Blue SelfExisting Eagle / Mind flies!

Good Morning Planetary Kin… On first note, I wish to acknowledge the entirely new stream of energy flowing in, yesterday was Huge, the energy arriving was so new, so unfelt, so different as to insite true awe inside… So just needed to acknowledge that as I noticed there were many more people attuning in yesterday […]